Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Isaiah 30:21; Colossians 3:23-24 - His Direction

Sometimes when I am told something it takes a bit of time to process.  Not only does it take time to think it over but it also takes time to get on my knees and spend some time seeking the Lord's direction.  There are times people say things that seem to make sense yet in the back of my mind I feel the Lord tugging on me.  That's kind of how I feel from yesterday.  So in the next few days I am going to seek the Lord for His Direction.  I think I already know what it is but just need to make sure.  I need the Lord to clarify some things for me.  In order for Him to be able to do that I first must make sure I can hear Him.  

I think about the study on worship we've been having.  How in order to truly worship Him we first must be cleansed.  Another big aspect of being able to worship Him is to not allow distractions to get in the picture.  That's a biggy when it comes to hearing from the Lord.  Sometimes the distractions are something as simple as a phone ringing while other times it can be something major happening.

I was reading somewhere on how to hear the Lord's voice and came upon this...

"Disengage your rational mind. Get into the mind of your heart. Locate His presence. Rest in His Love. Stay there. If any thoughts distract you, look over their shoulder and relocate His presence. If you journal, write it down."

I agree with the idea of locating His Presence.  When we live in His Presence, we will be able to hear Him.  There will be times when we can't but it's not because He isn't speaking.  Rather, it's because we aren't in a place to be able to hear.  Sometimes we think He isn't speaking but really what is happening is that He is saying things we don't want to hear or He is speaking by being silent.  That sounds strange but we have to accept the Lord's timing in all we do.  Sometimes His time means He is silent for a period before speaking.  When we listen to His voice, we can be assured of having His Direction as found in Isaiah 30:21.

21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

This is what I'm seeking today…His Direction.  I want the Lord to clearly tell me what to do and as I seek Him I want Him to know that I will do whatever He tells me to do.  His Will, not mine.  That is the most important thing I must remember.  It's not about what people want of me but what the Lord desires of me.  I am reminded of Colossians 3:23-24 this morning…

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being the One I Listen To.  Thank You for being the One Who Directs My Life. Lord, I am seeking Your Will.  I ask that You be so real and close to me.  Would You please confirm on my life what Your desire is for me?  Would You please take away any doubts on what I am to be doing?  Lord, give me wisdom in the decisions put before me.  Enable me Lord to know Your Will.  Thank You Jesus for being My Master!  Amen.

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