Thursday, May 23, 2013

Matthew 6:9-13 - "The Lord's Prayer"

Dear Jesus,

I am totally amazed at where You are leading me.  I keep walking through the open doors You are providing and praying for Your Will.  Yesterday as I prayed the Lord's Prayer with one I was so blessed in knowing I was in a moment only orchestrated by You.  Woo hoo!  Thank You Lord for this opportunity to be Your hands and feet.  Thank You for Your Amazing Grace that You freely gave to me so that I could have this opportunity.  Thank You Lord for Your love that flows from me as I minister to people.  Thank You Father for Your strength that is in me that allows me to do Your Will.  "...on earth as it is in heaven..."  Woo hoo!  I really feel like I'm seeing heaven here in bits and pieces.  Being with ones who are dying sounds sad but it truly isn't.  As I see them having a glimpse of heaven while on this earth...seeing people who are already there....describing what they are seeing...WOW!  That is so awesome!  

Lord, yesterday was hard seeing my friend in a casket but yet I had to remind myself it wasn't her.  It was just her shell.  She is already with you having a good ole time!  I'm sure if there is a Grand Ole Opry section in heaven she is there enjoying it!  Thank You for the time we had with her Saturday as she made amends with people, prayed, sang hymns together....what a blessing.  What a gift You gave us!  Thank You, thank You, thank You!

Father, You gave us these words in Matthew 6:9-13 as a way to pray.  I'm thankful my grandparents and parents ended their days with saying these words together.

"Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever."      -- Amen.
--- Matthew 6:9-13 - KJV

As I say it, I am in awe at just how great You are.  "Our Father which art in heaven..." shows me You are a holy God.  I praise You for being that!  "Your kingdom come..."  Your kingdom was announced in Abraham's covenant, present in our hearts today and will be completed when You come back for us.  "Your will be done..."  encourages me to seek Your will for my life.  When I do, Your perfect purpose will be accomplished.  I love the fact that I don't have to wait to get to heaven to see this.  When I listen to You, I hear Your will and can accomplish it.  Hallelujah!   "Give us today this daily bread..."  this statement reinforces that You are My Sustainer and My Provider.  "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil..."  I know You don't lead me into temptations but I do know You allow me to be tested by them.  Father, deliver me through such times and also deliver me from any attacks the enemy throws my way.

Thank You Lord for being My Example to follow in how to to minister to people... how to rely on my Heavenly Father for to live a holy life.  Amen. 

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