Friday, May 13, 2016

Proverbs 31:25 - "Breathe"

Yesterday was one of those days when you finally get to the end of it and look back you wonder how you survived. It is then you see how Jesus was with you throughout all of the craziness. The words to "Breathe" were the first thing I thought of this morning. As I was singing them I realized two or three times when I got in the truck yesterday this song came on the radio. That was definitely a God thing. When I asked at Wal-Mart if they had any individual donuts, the clerk explained the baker called off so another baker was still working on them. Then she proceeded to ask what kind I was interested in. I said it didn't matter I just wanted one and to surprise me. My surprise was when she brought me my favorite kind from there! Yep, I thanked God for even that little thing He orchestrated. Praying with Kelly after my massage was God's way of encouraging me. Coming across one of my favorite pictures of my Daddy when I was packing was a God thing. Praying with a newly widowed lady in the parking lot of Sav-a-Lot was a God thing. Hearing my Momma testify to witnessing to a young Jewish man was a God thing. When there was an emergency at the vet and Mordecei wasn't taken to surgery until after 2, I figured he would end up spending the night but he came home. Praise God for another blessing! The day had been so chaotic that Doc was unable to go with me. I was concerned with getting him up into the truck but he jumped right in. Yep, that was a God thing. When I went to pay the surgery bill, it was fifty cents less than the estimate. That was a God thing...He blessed us by answering our financial prayers. Having the roll-top desk get sold and picked up before I even advertised it was a God thing that was another answer to financial prayers. After I picked Mordecei up from surgery I had to stop three times because of his bloody drool. The one time I was blessed by God pointing my eyes into the direction of these flowers/weeds/whatever they are. It was amazing how there were thistles growing in the middle of them. Who knows, maybe the flowers themselves are weeds but God made them beautiful no matter what they are. After seeing them as I continued driving there were tons of them in the fields I had not paid attention to before. God said, "Look at what I do with something people see as unimportant. I make beauty. Do not let anyone go before you who feels unimportant. Your task is to make people feel important and beautiful." Wow, God sure was busy yesterday in my life yesterday! I go back to the chorus of "Breathe" and laugh a little...

Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at My feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe

Once again I am reminded of Proverbs 31:25. He is My Strength in the chaos we are living in right now. He showed me yesterday just how much that statement means. He loves me. He is not going to allow me to fall but instead is encouraging me to continue on with the path He has set before me. He already knows the finances. He already knows the timing. He already knows every little aspect of the days ahead. Woo hoo! That gives me freedom to not worry but instead to be at peace in the chaos. Praise His Holy Name!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You seems so inadequate for all the ways You blessed me yesterday! Lord, thank You for being so very real. I also want to thank You for closing my mouth at times when frustration was so great as Doc and I were working through printer issues. I praise You for him and ask for an added blessing of peace and strength to be over him as we continue through this chaos. I won't ask for the chaos to be taken away because as I saw yesterday the chaos is where my biggest blessings are found. I do pray for strength to continue in my physical, mental and emotional beings. As I started to panic yesterday over the garage sale next week it was if I could feel Your arms around me telling me to allow You to have control over the sale. It is Yours. You know every little thing that needs to be in the sale, how much is needed to come from the sale and when I am to get prepared for the sale. It is Yours and for that I am truly thankful. Father, bless my day today with You going before me. Be my words and attitude. May people see You shine through me in a glorious way today. Woo hoo! I am so excited for this day! Thank You Jesus for being My Biggest Encourager! Amen.

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