Saturday, September 14, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; I Thess 5:17; Psalm 46:10; James 1:2-4 - "Blessings"

Thursday I was sent an urgent prayer request in one of my prayer groups for a mother and six month old boy who fell down a set of concrete steps. The baby was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Later in the day he was upgraded when they found no swelling or bleeding on the brain. When I asked for an update yesterday, he was eating and doing well. A few minutes later I received a picture of a happy baby boy. What an answer to prayer! Sometimes when you live a "pray without ceasing" type of life (I Thessalonians 5:17) you not only receive answers you desire but you also get an added bonus from God on the answers. The leader of this group asked if the Holy Spirit had spoken anything specific in our prayers for this little guy. One of the other ladies wrote: "I pictured him in Papa's hands. He was and has been protecting this precious babe in His hands." That goes right along with Him giving me the song "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" repeatedly Thursday as I prayed for this little guy. One of the verses goes "He's got the itty-bitty baby in His hands..." Yes! I love when God reveals answers to prayers and I really love when a group of people are praying and He reveals the same message was given to different ones in the group. So, so cool! It reminds me of when we were doing a small group in Willard and we had a time of silence and God spoke to many with the same thing or theme. I was reading a book yesterday that gave an illustration of sitting still and listening to nature and God speaking to you. So, so cool. God does speak. It just takes being still (Psalm 46:10) and listening. But in order to do that in the best way we must live a II Timothy 1:7 type of life. We must realize God is the one in control. We are not. Once this realization comes we are able to stand in His empowerment. Then, and only then, will we be capable of hearing His voice in the clearest way. Before I came to this realization I heard from God but not like I do today. When Doc was telling me about a new book he got yesterday, I knew it would definitely be one for me to read. I love to read how God changes people's relationship with Him. Sometimes the circumstances that make the change happen are not easy to read about. In fact, most of the time they aren't easy. But God can take 'tough' things and turn them into 'good' things. He uses times of trial to strengthen our faith and pull us deeper into relationship with Him. Even though it is not easy to be joyful during the 'tough' times (James 1:2-4), we will be blessed through them as we lean more into Him. The 'tough' times of this week have started to affect my physical body. I knew I had to combat the issues with more rest and leaning more into Him. I'm not sure what all today holds but I do know I must be wise and seek His wisdom. I do not want to allow any open door for the enemy to pull me down. Therefore, I am putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6) before I start my day. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You love on me! Thank You for the way You are with me at all time! Thank You for the way You provide everything I need! Lord, this morning I pray for a cleansing in my soul so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray for Your wisdom to be my wisdom and Your will to be done in my life. Father, I pray for Doc to be encouraged today. I continue to pray for a healing in his body. I pray for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength to be his in a new, different way. May Your healing touch come down upon him today. I pray the same for my Momma and Mr. Fran. Thank You Jesus for being The One In Control! Amen.

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