Friday, September 6, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "I Have This Hope"

I woke up this morning with these words going through my mind...

I have this hope
In the depth of my soul
In the flood or the fire
You're with me and You won't let go

This song encourages me greatly to be more intentional in living a II Timothy 1:7 type of life. It encourages me with the knowledge that He will never leave me. He is my Eternal Hope. No matter what happens while on this earth, I know I will live for Him so I can spend eternity with Him. The song continues...

So whatever happens, I will not be afraid
‘Cause You are closer than this breath that I take
You calm the storm when I hear You call my name
I still believe that one day I'll see Your face

Woo Hoo! God empowers me to stand firm in Him. He empowers me to not be afraid when the 'storms' of life happen but instead stand in His strength and love. He empowers me to have His wisdom and make decisions that follow His ways. I am empowered! Woo hoo! This morning my physical body is moving slowly. I could go very easily just go to back to bed. But that cannot happen so I am asking Him to empower me with His supernatural strength to do what needs done. I am grateful for the knowledge He will provide. I am grateful for the way He protects, encourages, and loves on me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for our friends Mr. John and Ms. Savon who loved on us last night with taking us to dinner! Thank You for us getting to know the Coleman's better! Thank You for restoring the power to our home and protecting it from Hurricane Dorian! Thank You for providing the urgent care doctor who was so personable yesterday! Thank You for giving us wisdom on where to go! What a surprise to find out his specialty is cancer! Thank You for the medicine already lessening Doc's pain! Father, cleanse us so You can fill us. May You be our words, actions and attitude throughout this day! I pray for Your supernatural strength in my physical body today. I pray for more of You and less of me. I pray for traveling mercies for all returning home and for those who have storm damage to know You are with them. Father, be with my Momma today with all she is going through. I continue to pray for open doors for her to get help. Lord, thank You for being My Eternal Hope! Amen.

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