Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Proverbs 23:15-16 - "Miracle"

Thirty-seven years...I am not old enough to have a son that old...I guess I am! I will never forget the day of his birth. I had been in labor all day but didn't realize it until my water broke at 4:39AM. Some things such as that time are forever in a person's mind. Going to the hospital and having the ER nurse feel a foot was scary for this nineteen year old Mommy. We knew he was feet first and a C-section was scheduled for the following Monday. I asked to have him on Friday but because the surgeon wanted a long holiday weekend he refused. Paul knew what his Momma wanted so he came on Friday. I am grateful I did not know until after the fact how they almost lost both of us. God protected us because He had plans for us. Life was not always easy but as Paul grew up he made me proud. Well behaved, good grades, excelled in anything he did, loving, fun...the list goes on and on. Proverbs 23:15-16 has the words "I'll be one happy parent" and that I am. I am grateful for the husband and father Paul has become. I am proud of him. This picture today I used to put Scripture on is one he sent me from a morning he was on a business trip to Louisiana. He woke up to this sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico. He told me a couple years ago that he goes to the office early and does his devotions. After he is done he writes the verse of the day on his white board. My heart about bursted as I heard those words. I know what the business world is like and it is not easy sharing one's faith. It is in ways like putting Scripture up for others to see that one can be a beacon of light in a dismal world. Oh how I miss the hugs and 'I love you' before him going out the door. I miss seeing him and talking with him. But I know he is busy with life and am grateful for every tidbit of phone call or text I receive. As parents, this is what we raised our kids to be. Independent, raising their own family, etc. But I must admit it is not always easy. Thankfully I know he is walking with the Lord and loving with God's love. I am grateful he provides for his family and the decisions he and Lizzy have made so she can be a stay-at-home Mom. I started praying for her when he was a baby and haven't stopped. I am so grateful for the love they have together. I also am grateful he is listening to God. There are definitely things I wish I could change from his childhood on things I did but I can't think of one thing I would change that he did.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunity to be Paul's Momma. Thank You for his love for You and the way he shares it. Thank You for being His Heavenly Daddy. Father, may he be blessed in abundance today with more of You. I pray the same for myself. Cleanse me and fill me. May all who come in contact today with us see/hear You instead of either of us. May You be greater than us. Thank You Jesus for being Our Heavenly Daddy. Amen.

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