Thursday, November 16, 2017

I Peter 2 - "Your Love Defends Me"

Last night in group during our waiting time the Lord spoke some powerful words to me. I was overwhelmed as I listened and then went to the Scripture He told me to read. It is times like this where I wonder how anyone can question there is a God. There is no other explanation for having words spoken and then Scripture given to go along with it. I don't know the Bible inside and out. There is no way I would know all the Scriptures. He told me things would happen with the church building in His time. He also told me He has "great things ahead for the Beaufort Church of the Nazarene" but some were not ready for those great things. He told me "Don't get discouraged but be encouraged. I am with you. I am the Rock you need to stand on. Read I Peter 2." When I read it, I found verses four through ten to be about "The Living Stone and A Chosen People." Verses nine and ten were the 'icing on the cake'..... 

Sandie was given the message from Him "I am sufficient" and Doc was given Ephesians 3, specifically verse ten, "approach God with freedom and confidence." Mr. Fran told about how the sand in an hour glass represent our lives. We do not know when our sand will be done. We need to have faith and trust in Him. All of these things shared give a great message to our church. We must have faith and trust Him for His timing with our church. Things will happen in His time and in His way. We must remember that. We also must remember He is sufficient for all our needs. exciting!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the message You gave our church last night. Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace You pour out upon us as individuals and as a church body. I pray for all of our church body to be ready for what You have in store for us. I pray an abundance of faith to be developed in this process. Cleanse us of anything that would deter that great faith. Make us wholly as You make us holy. Unify us in any area that needs unified. Strengthen us in ways we cannot even comprehend on a human level. May Your supernatural empowerment become ours. Thank You Jesus for being Our Rock. Amen.

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