Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I Peter 3:22 - "Brave"

As Your love, in wave after wave
Crashes over me, crashes over me
For You are for us
You are not against us

These words were in my mind when I woke up this morning. I started thinking about people who need to feel His love in a mighty way. Their circumstances make it feel like life has thrown them a curve ball with waves of hurt crashing over them. They need to know the Lord's love is greater than any curve ball thrown their way. I am praying for...

  • many with deaths...Jeremy's family, Willie's family, Tyler's family...oh so many
  • my friend who had foot surgery
  • my friend facing shoulder surgery
  • a family experiencing the birthday of a loved one today who passed away
  • a recent widow who is struggling with loneliness
  • a family who is dealing with an industrial accident this morning
  • Dr. Seese's family, friends and patients with his tragic death yesterday
  • a friend who is separated from her daughter
  • parents of a new born baby who is hospitalized
  • family with a recent suicide
So many people who are hurting...some are in relationship with the Lord while others are not. Those who are know His strength but not necessarily do they know His full strength. They may know Him yet not have taken the step of total surrender to Him. This morning I am praying for all to be empowered by His supernatural strength. That will take knowing Him intimately...living in His presence...being His hands and feet so not to be looking at their own troubles but looking for ways to love on others with His love despite their circumstances. I am praying they will feel His love crash over them in a way that is different, new. We may never know the reason for our circumstances but we can know who has us in His hands. I Peter 3:22 tells us Jesus has the last word. The enemy does not win when we keep our focus on the Lord.

Dear Jesus,
So many hurting people...so many ones who need to feel Your presence in a mighty way today...so many who love You while some are not in relationship with You. My prayers are for all to meet You in a different, new way today. Father, I pray the same for myself. I pray for freshness...more fire...for You to show me Yourself in a different, new way! May You cleanse me of anything between You and I. May You empower me to do great things through Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus for being The One To Empower Me. Amen.

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