Tuesday, December 24, 2013

II Timothy 2:3-4 - Commander-In-Chief

Christmas Eve morning….my, oh my, how life has changed.  In years past, when the boys were little, today would be the day to rush to wrap the last presents.  Typically speaking, we always had Christmas with the boys on Christmas Eve day and then would go to my parents home for a family celebration.  We would drive through Orrville and look at all the pretty lights afterwards.  Awww….the memories…

Now we are making new memories with our grand babies.  The opening of presents has come and gone at Grandma/Memaw Sheila and Papa Doc's house.  We had fun!  It seemed like the presents we gave them were perfect!  I loved the hugs we received from them.  So precious!  

As I reflect back upon the last two days I think the best present of all was knowing my boys and their ladies are raising my grand babies to know the true meaning of Christmas.  So many people get caught up in the fact that people shouldn't allow their children to believe in Santa Claus.  Our thinking is if you are raising your children to know the true meaning of Christmas then it's OK for them to have some fun along the way.  It's OK to allow them to believe in Santa Claus.  Some people say that's lying to your children but it's not.  There may not be one individual man who is Santa Claus but there are a bunch of Santa Claus's in this world.  

The giving of gifts started many years ago when our Savior was born in that lowly stable in Bethlehem.  Whether we have the money to buy gifts or not we can always find a way to give a gift.  Giving of ourselves through visiting, baking, etc. is the best gift of all.  We are behind in our visits to shut-ins/widows this year due to my health problems.  I am trying to not get stressed out over it.  I know when I am able to make the visits the Lord will bless them in abundance.  

The other night when we were caroling we tried to visit one of the widowers but he didn't answer his door.  Now he has went to be with Jesus.  In one way I am sad for his family but to think that he has been reunited with his wife gives comfort.  Knowing he is with the Lord is exciting!

Awww….the memories….yes, we are making new ones each and every day.  The Lord guides our steps and points us in the right direction.  He is our Leader.  I read something yesterday where someone said He is their Commander-In-Chief.  I like that!  Woo hoo!  I want to please my Commander-In-Chief.  II Timothy 2:3-4 reads, You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.  No matter what the Lord leads me through, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, financial, or spiritual hardship, I know I will win by allowing Him to be my Commander-In-Chief.  Too many times we allow our circumstances to bring us down.  We can read over and over in His Word that we will have difficulties but we can also read how to get through them.  Allowing Him total reign of our life is the key.  

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for guiding me down the many paths of life.  Father, these last few weeks have been a bit discouraging but I am so thankful for the way You bring scripture to me that encourages me to keep on.  I pray for so many people who are going through tough times.  The families who have recently and not so recently lost loved ones.  The ones going through cancer treatments.  The ones who are all alone in this world.  Most of all I pray for those who don't know You to find You.  Thank You Jesus for being My Commander-In-Chief!  Amen.

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