Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Matthew 5:4 - Coping With The Holidays

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.  Matthew 5:4

Yesterday I was comforted as I attended a support group for those grieving.  The topic was how to cope with the holidays.  As I reflected back on Thanksgiving, I was amazed at how much of what was said fit.  Since this was the first Thanksgiving without Daddy on this earth we decided to spend the day with family instead of ministering in Mansfield.  Our first stop was at my Momma's house and then we went onto Paul and Lizzy's house.  When I woke up that morning, I was having one of my "green" mornings and was miserable.  But the Lord encouraged me and helped me to get on with my day.  Yesterday she talked about how the anticipation of a holiday can sometimes be harder than the actual day.  That's exactly how it was for Thanksgiving.  She also talked about how sometimes we have to let go of traditions and make new ones without our loved ones.  That was another thing we did on Thanksgiving.  The tears that flowed that morning gave me strength to go through the day without tears again.  The Lord comforted me and for that I am grateful.  He also comforted me yesterday as I listened to all that was said.  

Another way He has comforted me is a book a pastor friend sent me called "Surviving the Holidays".  I've glanced through it a few times and picked up tidbits of info.  One of the pages reads, "When You'd Rather Skip The Holidays."  I remember a few weeks ago saying to Doc, "I don't want another Christmas like last year but I feel like that's where we are headed."  Last year Daddy was released from the nursing home the Friday before Christmas.  Our family Christmas was the next day but we had already planned to have it at the church.  Daddy was unable to be with us so after we ate families went one by one over to the house to have Christmas with him and Mom.  Those are precious memories we have to hang onto.  This year as Mom is battling her own physical ailments.  I fear for how Christmas will be.  I also am trying to be mindful of how I can make her holiday time more bearable without Daddy here.

I was reminded yesterday of something else that I keep putting to the back of my mind.  I don't know that I ever fully grieved my Daddy's death.  Life was in turmoil with Doc being brought home from his second knee replacement the night before Daddy died.  I felt like I had to concentrate on him as much as I had to concentrate on being with my family.  Then his recuperation over the first few weeks took precedent.  Helping Mom try to get adjusted to her new way of life was always in my mind.  I found myself concentrating on doctor bills, insurance, Medicare, etc.  Then her health problems increased.  I feel like my grieving has been done in bits and pieces.  I know no two people grieve in the same manner.  I was reminded of that yesterday too.  But if my grieving was in fragments or if I would have had the opportunity to fully grieve…either way…my Heavenly Father is with me.  Woo hoo!  He has been my encourager which has been such a blessing.  I was so use to having my earthly Daddy do that and without him I have a void.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You have provided encouragement for me along this road.  I praise You for the people You have put into my path.  I ask that You continue to be close to me as we continue on this journey.  I pray for not only my own family but for all families who are grieving this holiday season.  Enable them to find Your strength to get through the days ahead.  Thank You Jesus for being My Encourager.  Amen.

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