Saturday, October 17, 2020

Psalm 98; Jeremiah 29:11 - "Into The Sea"

My honey always called 'holidays' such as Sweetest Day a 'Hallmark Holiday' because it was made up for the greeting card companies, florists, etc. to make money. But he always celebrated such days with taking me out or us doing steaks on the grill. I miss celebrating with him this weekend but I am so grateful for the memories I have. If I could get married couples to understand something, it would be to live life to the fullest with God being the One in control. We walked the road of obedience to His will. Because of having such a marriage He blessed us in abundance with making us realize the best way to live in a marriage is to enjoy each other and make lots of memories. We took lots of pictures as we made memories and for that I am grateful. We talked and discussed the future and for that I am grateful. I know I am stronger in my faith through the way Doc was the head of our home. I also know I will be 'ok' because both Doc and God told me I would be. Yes I still have times of the tears flowing and I feel like I am falling apart but they are healing for my hurting heart. God once again took me to Psalm 98 this morning. Sing unto the Lord a new song... (vs 1)! Woo hoo! Today is a new day in which I will sing to Him. I will praise Him through the day even though I am missing my honey. I will praise Him for all the memories of past Sweetest Days and allow Him to comfort me with my memories and pictures. I am praying for all the widows/widowers who are missing their sweeties to turn to the Lord for His strength and comfort. When we have the Lord guiding our lives, it will be OK. We just must stay focused on Him and walk in His will.

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea
Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way
I can hear my Father singing over me
"It's gonna be ok, it's gonna be ok"

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for loving me so much! Thank You for all the memories and pictures I have to reflect on of my honey! Thank You for allowing the tears to heal the hurts of my heart! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You shine brightly through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout this day. I am praying today for widows/widowers, those divorced or separated, and those single to feel Your love today. I pray those with spouses will realize the gift You have given them with marriage. I pray for those in a marriage with turmoil to feel Your love and empowerment today. I pray for Your wisdom to be given to them and accepted for decisions that need made. Lord, go before me today and use me as a vessel of love. May Your love be felt through me by all I meet. Lord, I pray my life will make not only You proud but Doc would be proud of me too. Thank You Jesus for being My Comforter! Amen.

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