Monday, October 5, 2020

Isaiah 55; Psalm 23:2; Romans 14:17 - "We Won't Be Shaken"

Another Sunday has passed. Another week has started. Life is so different since my honey left this earth. I am not looking for a 'new normal' because there is no such thing. As I discussed with a friend yesterday, it is a 'new abnormal' with Doc not with me. After almost thirty-one years of marriage with many of those years being together pretty much 24/7 which was our 'normal' him not being with me just does not feel right. As a strong believer in Christ I am rejoicing he is no longer suffering. As a loving wife my heart is sad to no longer be making memories with him. My friend Kim shared Isaiah 55:12 with me this morning from The Passion Translation. This chapter in Isaiah is about living for the Lord. It begins with an invitation to come into relationship with Him. It speaks of Him as refreshing waters which are also referred to in Psalm 23:2 as the quiet brook of bliss. This is exactly where I desire to live especially in these days of figuring out life without my honey. I am reminded in verse eleven His Word shows love and compassion to me. Verse twelve reads:

For you will leave your exile with joy and be led home wrapped in peace. The mountains and hills in front of you will burst into singing and the trees of the field will applaud!

I do not have to be in bondage to sorrow or grief. Instead I can rest in the knowledge that God continues to be in control. His desire is to lead me through this new journey. This knowledge brings joy and peace to my heart. The only way I can experience such a life is through the Holy Spirit. He is where I can be filled with righteousness, peace, and joy such as Romans 14:17 speaks of. Victory is found through the Holy Spirit. As I seek the Lord and His will I will receive victory in my life. The more I seek His will, the more I will realize His will. Praise His Holy Name!

Whatever will come our way
Through fire or pouring rain
We won't be shaken
No we won't be shaken
Whatever tomorrow brings
Together we'll rise and sing
That we won't be shaken
No we won't be shaken

Dear Jesus, 
Thank You for Your love that is poured into me by my tribe! Thank You for my friend Kim who shared Your Word that encourages me greatly! Thank You for answering my prayers for Mordecei to sleep all night again! Thank You for the privilege to pray with my friend Sharon this morning before surgery! What a blessing to have today's technology to allow connection with miles apart. I also pray for my friend Deb who is having surgery this afternoon. May You give both of these dear friends Your healing touch in a mighty way. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You use me today as a beacon of light for You. I pray You will be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout this day in a new, different way. May You be my refreshing waters and the quiet brook of bliss I can rest in as I continue this journey of life without Doc. May You continue to be my joy and peace as I settle into this new way of life. Thank You Jesus for being My Victory! Amen.

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