Friday, August 28, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 79 - "Peace Be Still"


Last night before falling asleep the Lord told me to read Psalm 79. I asked Him if I were to get up and read it then but He said to wait until morning. As I read it I felt like crying. It is a Psalm written about a time of destruction of a nation. It speaks of oppression among the people. That is what we are experiencing today in America. There is so much unrest in our world. I do not believe I have ever seen a time where people were against one another, especially those who call themselves Christians. How can one say they love God yet they treat their friends, family, neighbors, etc. with such hatred? How can one speak words of death over people when they claim to be someone who loves the Lord? It hurts my heart to see the way people are living but it really hurts to see how people who say they are following Christ to allow the enemy to play so much havoc in their life. We must stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment and love in these dark days. If we don't stay prayed up, we will fall into the traps of the enemy. We have a decision to make. Will we live a righteous life or will we live an ungodly life? Will we choose eternal life over eternal death? We we accept the hope of Christ or will we live in the ways of the enemy? The only way to have eternal life with the Lord is to live for Him while on this earth. We, the true believers, must stand in His love and show the world what it means. We must not succumb to the ways of the enemy with our words or actions. Instead we must love with His love. That may mean keeping our mouth shut when the enemy brings nasty or hurtful words to us. It may mean 'agreeing to disagree' in some conversations. It may mean allowing God to use us to love on people who appear to be unlovable. No matter what, it means we will be blessed in the process. It is not up to us to judge others or to argue with people. The call upon our life is to love with His love so others will be in relationship with Him. There are so many hurting people in our world. Some are hurting because of their own actions while others are because of the actions of others. It does not matter the 'why'! What does matter is that we follow God's direction on loving people with His love. Verse thirteen of Psalm 79 reads in the New Living Testament:

Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will thank you forever and ever,
    praising your greatness from generation to generation.

Yes! This is how true believers will live their lives. They will praise Him! Life does not always go along as we would desire but we can be assured when we walk in obedience to Him our life will be exactly as He desires. We cannot allow circumstances or people to pull us into the traps of the enemy. We must stand firm in our faith no matter what happens around us. We must praise Him through the storms of life and keep sight of the goal of eternal life with Him.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for loving us so greatly! Thank You for using us as Your faithful servants! Thank You for being with us yesterday and giving us the strength to carry on! Father, I pray for a better day for Doc. I pray the nausea/vomiting will not happen again today and the pain will be less. Lord, help us. Give us exactly what we need to stay focused on You. Cleanse us so You can fill us. We need Your supernatural strength to empower us. Father, I feel numb and I am physically wore out but I praise You because I know You are in control. Thank You for being with all who are going through storms both literal and figurative! I pray for those who have lost family, possessions, pets, etc. in the hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires to realize they still have You. I pray for those going through figurative storms to realize You are there with them. May they feel Your arms wrapped around them in a mighty way today and the days ahead. Thank You for being My Storm Calmer! Amen.

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