Tuesday, August 18, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Isaiah 61 - "Alive & Breathing"


The Lord woke me with the words to a song Matt Maher sings called Alive & Breathing. It was no coincidence. He knew I needed the reminder that I have hope in Him no matter what happens in my little world.

Joy still comes in the morning 
Hope still walks with the hurting 
If you're still alive and breathing 
Praise the Lord 
Don't stop dancing and dreaming 
There's still Good News worth repeating 
So lift your head and keep singing 
Praise the Lord 

It also is no coincidence that He brought the first few verses of Isaiah 61 to me a few weeks ago. He knew I needed reminded that through His Spirit I am empowered to put on a garment of praise instead of wearing one of despair through 'tough' days. It also is no coincidence He gave me II Timothy 1:7 to walk in His love and empowerment just weeks prior to the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in Doc's body. God is so good and loves me so much. Woo hoo! He loves me enough to be my supernatural strength and wisdom throughout days like yesterday. He loves me enough to provide friends to hug me and cry with me. He loves me enough to give us special times to make new memories. Plain and simple. He loves me enough and I will praise Him through another day with my honey! This song continues...

Let everything, let everything, let everything 
Praise the Lord 
In the working, in the waiting 
Praise the Lord 
In the blessing, in the breaking 
Praise the Lord 
In the dying, the rising 
Let it praise the Lord 
Let it praise the Lord 
Praise the Lord 

Yes! I will praise Him no matter what happens today! As I do He will empower me to live the way He so desires. That is where I want to stay because I know as I do He will be right here with me encouraging me to carry on the road of obedience.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your supernatural strength You provided yesterday and will provide today! Thank You for giving Doc rest yesterday afternoon! I pray he was able to get good rest overnight. I also pray You will use the patch to control his pain so I can bring him home today. Lord, be with us as we make some tough decisions. Cleanse us so we can be filled with Your supernatural wisdom, discernment, love, and strength. My human body will want to struggle today with five hours of interrupted sleep but I know You will fill me with Your strength and for that I am grateful. I also am grateful that whatever lies ahead in this day will be no surprise to You. Thank You for our time to make a new memory yesterday morning! Thank You for Sandy who was there to be a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen! What a blessing it was when her and Will moved here! Thank You for my new friend Heather! I pray she saw/heard You through me yesterday. Lord, I pray for two families who lost loved ones yesterday. Florence Nead's family with the loss of their niece and another family. May You give them Your peace today in a mighty way. I also ask that You be very near to my friend whose marriage is crumbling. I pray for the enemy to be struck down today in her situation and for reconciliation to begin. Lord, give her discernment and Your love as she talks with her husband. May You shine brightly through her and give her hope. Praise You Father for being My Hope! Amen.

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