Thursday, August 6, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 61; Numbers 6:24-26 - "The Way"

This morning the Lord took me to Psalm 61. I read it in different versions and settled into The Passion Translation. It reads:

O God, hear my prayer. Listen to my heart’s cry.
For no matter where I am, even when I’m far from home,
I will cry out to you for a father’s help.
When I’m feeble and overwhelmed by life,
guide me into your glory, where I am safe and sheltered.
Lord, you are a paradise of protection to me.
You lift me high above the fray.
None of my foes can touch me
when I’m held firmly in your wrap-around presence!
Keep me in this glory.
Let me live continually under your splendor-shadow,
hiding my life in you forever.
Pause in his presence
You have heard my sweet resolutions
to love and serve you, for I am your beloved.
And you have given me an inheritance of rich treasures,
which you give to all your lovers.
You treat me like a king, giving me a full and abundant life,
years and years of reigning,
like many generations rolled into one.
I will live enthroned with you forever!
Guard me, God, with your unending, unfailing love.
Let me live my days walking in grace and truth before you.
And my praises will fill the heavens forever,
fulfilling my vow to make every day a love gift to you!

I love the security found in His wrap-around presence! My world can feel like it is falling apart but as long as I am living in His presence I know He will see me through. He is always with me so I have nothing to fret over. He is the calm in the midst of the storms of life. The last verse is where I desire to live. I know as I strive to be Christ-like I can accomplish such a life. 

And my praises will fill the heavens forever, fulfilling my vow to make every day a love gift to you!

The only way I can make every day a love gift for God is to stay focused on Him instead of myself. I must not allow the things happening on this earth take my focus off of eternal things. I must stay in constant contact with Him so the enemy doesn't have any open door into my life. I must stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His love and empowerment. As I do, the desires of His heart will be seen through my life. Augustine wrote:

They that are godly are oppressed and vexed in the church or congregation for this purpose: that when they are pressed, they should cry; and when they cry, that they should be heard; and when they are heard, that they should laud and praise God. 

I was reading about prayer yesterday and came upon a word picture that was powerful. J.I. Packer wrote: Prayer and praise are like a bird's two wings: with both working, you soar; with one out of action, you are earthbound. But birds should not be earthbound, nor Christians praiseless. I love this word picture! When we are in right relationship with God, we are capable of praising Him even through the storms of life that hit us. As we do, we will make every day a love gift to our Heavenly Father. That is the desire of His heart and should be the desire of our heart!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being with me yesterday and enriching me greatly as I studied Your Word! Thank you for the opportunities You gave me yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me with more of You! The desire of my heart is to fulfill the desire of Your heart. Lord, I pray for a better day for Doc. I pray You will give him what he needs to not just get through this day but to glorify You through it. Lord, be greater than his physical issues. Keep our focus on You no matter what happens today. Thank You for being My Paradise of Protection! Amen.

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