Sunday, August 9, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Do It Again"

Last night as I was listening to Matt worship I was overwhelmed with one song called Do It Again. Sometimes we wait for a long time to see God move a mountain before us. There are some mountains that don't get moved. There are others that He may move a little but not completely. During the night I prayed for pastors like usual for Saturday nights. I prayed for some who are beginning a new ministry in these days in a new place. I prayed for some who have given up on ministry completely. Ministry is 'hard' in normal times but in days such as what we are experiencing with COVID-19 they are especially challenging. For us personally with Doc dealing with pancreatic cancer that adds another challenge in the mix. I prayed for pastors who have lost their spouses and doing ministry on their own to realize His strength in a more intentional way. I prayed for all pastors to walk in His empowerment and love as II Timothy 1:7 leads us. My heart breaks for pastors and their families who get caught up in the lies of the enemy. It breaks to see pastors struggle with their call. But I praise God for the victory that can happen at the end of a struggle. I praise Him for the joy that is realized in the morning after a 'tough' night.

Walking around these walls
I thought by now they'd fall
But You have never failed me yet
Waiting for change to come
Knowing the battle's won
For You have never failed me yet

Your promise still stands
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness
I'm still in Your hands
This is my confidence, You've never failed me yet

Woo hoo! He is faithful even when we are not. He never fails us even when we fail Him. I praise His Holy Name for this knowledge!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that provides Your faithfulness even when we are not faithful! Thank You for the privilege to pray for pastors during the night! Thank You for giving Doc the clarity and strength to preach this morning! Thank You for being with all pastors as they go into the pulpit this morning! Father, I prayed for some specific pastors during the night that I want to lift up to You again. Donis as he has his first morning in a new pulpit; Mike and Leslie as they begin a new adventure; Don and his family as they are on vacation; David and his congregation as they regather inside their building; all pastors who have lost their spouse and pastors spouses who have lost their husband/wife; pastors and church leaders as they make 'tough' decisions with COVID-19; pastors and church leaders who are struggling financially; Dave with the loss of his mother this week; and for all pastors to preach the Word boldly. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with You. I pray for physical strength today as my body is retaliating. Lord, You are so awesome! You are so great! I am so grateful for all the ways You love on me! Thank You for the work completed on the building yesterday. I pray we can get things done so when the time comes we can move in. Thank You for Chris mowing and trimming our yard yesterday! Thank You Jesus for being My Faithfulness! Amen.

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