Tuesday, October 1, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:13; James 1:2-4; Psalm 19 - "Yes, I Will"

I love mornings when I can enjoy 'soaking' instead of having the alarm set to get up. I wish I could 'soak' all morning or even all day but then I think about the times I've had to be in bed for hours or days and realize I should not wish for such times! My Daddy would tell me I could enjoy 'soaking' for a short time but then I needed to get up and move. If I didn't, the MS would take over. Oh how I miss my Daddy! I miss his hugs. I miss his phone calls. I miss the way he could get me to laugh or feel better no matter what the situation. I can't even begin to image how my Momma misses him. I don't know how I would get through life if I didn't have my Heavenly Father loving on me. These days with Doc's cancer diagnosis are so tough. There are so many things to think about. Most of them are not things we choose to deal with but must. No one knows when their time on this earth is done but when you are facing 'C' it brings life into perspective. The enemy tries to twist our thoughts and cause issues in life. He tries to tear us apart and cause us to think we cannot continue on. But God is greater than the enemy. He is greater than anything put before us. As long as we stand on the promises of His Word, we will stand strong in His empowerment. He took me to Psalm 19 this morning to remind me that His Word is perfect, truthful, gives wisdom, pure, challenges us to stay close to Him, right...all good things. I love verse nine in The Passion Translation. It reads: Every one of the Lord's commands is right; following them brings cheer. Nothing He says ever needs to be changed. Woo hoo! Verse ten continues: The rarest treasures of life are found in His truth. That's why I prize God's word like others prize the finest gold. Nothing brings the soul such sweetness as seeking His living words. David wrote these words before the Bible as we know it was ever written. He wrote these words before verses like II Timothy 1:7, Philippians 4:13, and James 1:2-4 were composed. Yet these three verses are ones that I hold near to my heart every day. They are truly rare treasures in my life. They have the promise of eternal life for me. As I stand in His empowerment and strength through tough days, He will give me exactly what I need to not only get through them but to be victorious over them. Verse eleven of Psalm 19 is a key verse. For they warn us, His servants, and keep us from following the wicked way, giving a lifetime guarantee: great success to every obedient soul! Woo hoo! His Word tells us how to live with Him on this earth so we can live with Him for eternity. His Word lays it out very clearly. We must accept Him into our heart and then go further in dying to self so He can not only be our King of Kings but also be our Lord of Lords! The Psalm continues with David pleading for God to continue to cleanse him from all sin. This is something we all need to do daily. There are sins we commit that we don't even realize we are doing. Those sins will be brought before us on Judgement Day just as the ones we willingly commit. I want to be before the Lord with as clean of slate as possible. Therefore, I ask Him to cleanse me daily so He can fill me with more of Him. I desire to be Christ-like. Verse fourteen are words I pray regularly...So may the words of my mouth, my meditation-thoughts and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing, acceptable before your eyes, my only Redeemer, my Protector-God. Yes, Lord! May it be so! 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this morning where I was able to 'soak' in Your rest and in Your Word. Thank You for giving Doc a better night of sleep last night. Thank You for the day ahead and all the ways You will use us. Father, cleanse us so You can fill us with more of You. I pray people will come into relationship with You today. I also pray for those who are in relationship with You to realize the need to die to self. Father, may You be so very real in people's lives. May Your love flow from us in a way people will desire to have You in their life. Lord, be with all who are going through 'tough days' to lean into Your strength. May more people be empowered by the Holy Spirit than ever before. Thank You for being My Protector-God! Amen!

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