Monday, October 7, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; John 15:5; Romans 8:28 - "Potter's Hands"

Yesterday I preached from Jeremiah 18. This Scripture talks about the relationship between the potter and the clay. The imagery used in this Scripture is one that I believe to be the greatest picture of God and His people. There are many lessons to be learned from it. Before we can be used by the Potter, we must be made pliable and moldable. God did not save us just to go to heaven. He saved us to do His will while on this earth. John 15:5 makes our dependance on Jesus crystal clear. It reads, I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remind in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart form me you can do nothing. A key act of a potter and clay is the potter's hands are always on the clay as they work with it. The same can be said for God. He keeps His hands upon us as He works with us. He never leaves us even when He performs tough love on us to make us pliable. God's purpose for us is the same as the potter. He desires to produce vessels that will reap a profit, be useful, and bring honor to Him. God wants the same with our lives. The only way for this to be accomplished is for us to be in relationship with Him. Jeremiah showed he was in relationship with God in the beginning of the Scripture when he was told to go to the potter's house. He didn't ask the Lord for directions. He knew where it was. Another aspect that showed Jeremiah was in relationship with Him was that he heard the Lord's voice. The only way for that to happen was to be close to Him. When Jeremiah went, he saw the potter working with clay to make a vessel. It's interesting to think about clay. It is worthless until the potter takes it and makes it pliable to use. The process of digging it up and putting it in water is much like how God 'digs' us out, dries us up, and washes us clean. Just as the potter uses a shovel to dig out the clay the Holy Spirit convicts us so we will draw near to God. There are times God has to use trials in our life to shape us to be who He desires. This is like the potter who uses a mallet to beat air bubbles that are trapped in the clay. If he doesn't go through this process, the vessel made from the clay will be weak and unusable. The wheels the potter uses as they work with the clay are symbolic of the circumstances and situations that life brings our way. Often times we feel like life is spinning around and out of control. What we must remember is that our Heavenly Potter is always in control. He always has His hands on us. I am reminded of Paul's words in Romans 8:28. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. I know this but right now as the wheel is spinning out of control with Doc's pancreatic cancer I'm struggling. I was thankful for the reminder that the Heavenly Potter's hands are in constant contact with me. He will never leave me and for that I am grateful. I do not have to fear Him leaving me. As I stand on II Timothy 1:7 He will empower me to stand strong in my faith. I just have to not allow my faith to falter. I have to not give the enemy an open door into my life. If I do, I will become marred as Jeremiah saw in verse four. It is not God's fault when this happens. It is our fault. We must realize it and not allow ourselves to become a 'cracked pot'! We must also remember His hands are always on us and His love will never leave us. We also must remember He will never throw us away or forget about us. He has invested a lot into us and will never quit working on us. If we choose to leave Him, He will allow it but He will never forget us. What God saves, He saves to keep forever! Verse six shows how our Heavenly Potter has absolute control over what becomes of us. We must submit to His will to be who He has called us to be. Our only duty is to be like the clay who yields to the potter. If we want to honor Him, we must allow Him to mold us. We must grow where He plants us and use the gifts He gives us for His glory. That is exactly the life I desire to live. I desire to be pliable to my Heavenly Potter. I love the word picture this Scripture gives. Knowing He always has His hand on me is comforting. I desire to be clay that is moldable. I desire to be made into a vessel that is strong and beautiful in His sight. I know the only way for these desires to be fulfilled is to stay in close relationship with Him, allowing Him to use me in the manner He desires, and loving with His love all I am in contact with. I cannot allow pancreatic cancer or anything else to pull me from Him. Instead I will stand in His empowerment. All of the 'what ifs' and 'whens' going through our minds cannot distract me from what the Lord desires of me. I must live in this moment for Him. I must not worry about tomorrow. Sounds easier said than done but if I am living in relationship with Him it will be through His empowerment it will be accomplished.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to preach yesterday! Thank You for Doc feeling well enough to go to church! Thank You for the two and a half hour nap yesterday afternoon! Thank You for the children and teens who were in church yesterday and our new friends Will and Sandy who came! Thank You for the day ahead. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray people will see/hear You instead of me throughout this day. I also pray for Doc to feel Your strength in a new, different way not only physically but also emotionally. Lord, I pray for Caylin who is having surgery this morning to not be afraid but to rest in You. I also pray for a family who is going through difficult days with many things going on. May You be greater to them today than the issues happening in their life. I pray for my friend seeking employment and my friend in grad school to feel Your presence today. Lord, most of all I pray for more people to allow You to mold them into who You desire them to be. Thank You Father for being My Heavenly Potter! Amen.

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