Tuesday, October 8, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Phil 4:6-7 and 13; James 1:2-4 - "Confidence"

Sometimes life is tough and the tears fall. 
Sometimes the tears fall to the point you feel like there could be no more left. 
Sometimes you feel so drained from what is happening you feel like you can't go on. Sometimes there are just too many appointments, papers to fill out, bills to pay, etc. 
Sometimes you just want to crawl back in bed and not face the day.
Sometimes you would rather do anything than go to an oncologist appointment especially when you and spouse both have to go.
Sometimes you wonder what the days ahead hold. 

It is in these 'sometimes' you realize there is no way you will get through today or the days ahead without climbing up on your Heavenly Father's lap and allowing Him to love on you. He is the Only Way you will get survive. As you climb up into His arms the tears once again begin but it's ok. He wraps His arms around you and tells you, "Daughter, I gave you tears for a release in your spirit." He soothes you as He rubs your arm and tells you He loves you. You sit for awhile in His presence with no words. Then He gently tells you, "Daughter, I am with you now and will continue to be with you throughout this day. Do not fear but instead stand in my strength. I am greater than everything you will experience today and in the days ahead." Once again, the tears come. You know this but you are struggling with it. You ask Him why you are struggling so bad and why you feel like you can't go on and He replies, "I made humans to need me. Lean into Me and You will receive more of My supernatural empowerment than ever before." 

II Timothy 1:7 will remind me of His empowerment throughout this day.
Philippians 4:13 will remind me of His strength throughout this day.
James 1:2-4 will remind me of His joy throughout this day.
Philippians 4:6-7 will remind me of His peace throughout this day

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for encouraging me so greatly! Thank You for giving me Your Word to depend on throughout the day ahead! Father, I pray You will encourage Doc as You have encouraged me. I pray for a cleansing in our spirits so we can receive more of You today. May You stay close to us in the tough moments ahead. May You be greater than whatever comes our way. Father, I pray for little Finn as he has his heart surgery today; Michael as he battles colon cancer; Rita as she is released from the hospital; Mike and Steve and their families during these tough days; Dale, Maxine, Kandi, and so many others who are dealing with cancer; Lynn as she awaits surgery; and my friend with lymphoma as he awaits starting chemo. Lord, I'm so tired of hearing of more people being diagnosed with cancer. I pray You will return quickly so we will no longer have it in our lives. I know that is selfish because there are still many who are not in relationship with You and for that I am sorry. Father, I need more of You to get through this day. I don't want to just get through it but I want to bring You honor in my words, actions, and attitude through it. May it be so. Thank You for being My Confidence! Amen.

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