Saturday, August 18, 2018

Psalm 78; Matthew 22:38-40 - "You Say"

One of the times I was up during the night I asked the Lord if there was someone I was to pray for and he had me pray for a wife/mother I know. She lives with one foot in the world and the other with Him. She was raised in a Christian home with high morals but is not living as she was taught. He had me pray for healing in different ways for her...
  • physical - she has multiple health issues
  • emotional - for scars from a tragedy she went through as a young child
  • mental - she has accepted and believed things the enemy has put into her mind
  • financial - she seeks more money to buy more things to give her more prestige with her friends
  • spiritual - she needs to get rid of her selfish attitude so God can work in and through her
Her marriage could be so much more if she would only allow her husband to be the head of the home. Her parenting would be blessed with God's words and actions if she would only realize He needs to be in control. Her relationships with others would not be strained if she would allow God's love to flow through her words, actions, and attitude. When I finished praying for her, I thought about how there are many in her age group that seem to be in similar shoes. The world entices and takes people away from God so easily. Some are not blatantly sinning yet they are allowing things to become their idol instead of God being their focus. That in itself is a sin.

The Lord woke me up this morning with Psalm 78 on my mind. I wasn't sure what this Psalm was about but I read it and realized how the Israelites were ungrateful for the things God did for them. It reminded me of this one He had me praying for. She is ungrateful when people do for her. She uses people to get what she wants. What is she teaching her daughter? The Israelites taught their children to turn from God even though He took care of them through the wilderness. She is teaching her daughter to turn from God as she lives in the world instead of living as He desires.cWhen one does not follow what God's Word teaches, they are in a sense sinning. Jesus taught in Matthew 22:37-40 on how we are to live by loving Him first and then loving our neighbor as ourself. If one is not living by these words nor teaching their children to do so, they are sinning. I am not being judgmental but stating fact. We must follow by His Word every day of our life. We must be in relationship with Him on this earth if we expect to live with Him for eternity. Oh how I pray for this wife/mother to come to this realization before it is too late.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for waking me to pray for the soul of this one who is not living in the manner You desire. Father, I pray You will put someone before her today that will make a difference in her life. I also pray for protection over her daughter and for wisdom for her husband. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me today with more of You. I know how easy it is to get 'off-track' with You and I pray for protection over that in my own life. Lord, I pray for those who are hurting to be comforted by Your love today in abundance. Thank You for the day ahead and the opportunities You will give me to be You to others. Thank You for being The One I Love With My Whole Heart. Amen.

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