Saturday, August 4, 2018

Psalm 66 - "My God Is So Big, So Strong and So Mighty"

When the Lord woke me in the middle of the night and then again early this morning, these words were in my heart...

My God is so big and so strong and so mighty 
There's nothing my God cannot do 

Wow! He knew I needed to hear these words this morning. He is bigger than anything that comes before us. He is bigger than...

  • the sixty percent chance of rain at the time of school supply distribution
  • the building constraints put on by the county
  • cancer, MS, diabetes, etc.
  • doctor/hospital bills. 
Plain and simple. He is bigger than everything. The only way to know just how big He is is to live a life of obedience to Him. Then the big things of life won't seem to big. Instead there will be peace in knowing whatever He desires will happen as we walk by faith and trust Him. We do not have to know how everything will work out or even when it will work out. All we have to know is that it will work out for His glory. However many children He wants to receive school supplies will receive them. We cannot put a number on such things and be upset if that number is not met. The same can be said for the church building. We cannot put a date on its completion and be upset when that date is past with nothing happening when we prayed for God's will AND believe He is in the midst of all of the decisions made. The enemy may try to stop progression and may even try to make us grow weary but we cannot allow him any foothold. We must stand strong and be ready to accept God's will, no matter what that is. 

Psalm 66 tells us that we are to praise God for all He has done for us. We are to praise Him for His power. When one walks a life of obedience, His power is their power. That is pretty awesome to think about! He empowers us to do whatever He wants done in and through us. He empowers us as we have faith in Him and trust Him. He encourages us on days like today when there is rain in the forecast for an outside event. Psalm 66 encourages me to praise Him through the rain. It encourages me to not be focused on numbers but rather on souls. There could be someone coming for school supplies today who needs to be told about the Lord. We cannot allow the enemy to distract us in any way. We must be on our toes ready for any opportunity the Lord gives us. This first part of Psalm 66 says...

All together now—applause for God!
    Sing songs to the tune of his glory,
    set glory to the rhythms of his praise.
Say of God, “We’ve never seen anything like him!”

This is what needs in our spirit as we do His work on this earth. Praises need to be not only on our lips but in our hearts. Gratitude needs to flow from us for all that He has done, is doing, and will do for us as we are His willing servants.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder this morning that You are bigger than anything. Most of all I want to thank You for the reminder that even when things don't go the way we have planned You are still in the midst of them. Woo hoo! Lord, keep our focus on You so we won't miss any opportunity to be You to others today. Bless our efforts in a mighty way. Cleanse us so You can fill us with more of You. Father, give physical strength for this day ahead. I pray for people to work together to further Your kingdom. May people's personalities mesh together in a way that will glorify You. Thank You Jesus for being My Big God. Amen.

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