Friday, August 17, 2018

James 1:2-4 - "Oh Praise Him"

"Oh praise Him...Oh praise Him...He is holy...He is holy..."

The words to a song David Crowder sings is in my heart this morning. There is much to praise the Lord for each and every day. I woke up. That is something to praise Him for. Doc's back pain is easing and today is his last day to work. Those are things to praise Him for. I had communication with Paul and Lizzy yesterday. That is another thing to praise Him for. The list can go on and on. There are days where praise does not come as easily due to circumstances. Some days it is harder to find things to praise Him for but there is always praises to be said. I choose joy even on the days that are 'bad' or hard to deal with. In the book of James, we are told that is what we are suppose to do. Choose joy. When we make the decision to not choose joy, it gives the enemy an open door. Instead when we choose joy, we are choosing Jesus. His love enables us to stand firm in our faith as we trust Him no matter what our circumstances are. James tells us that stand will enable us to have great endurance as we persevere tough times. It also will empower us to not only live on this earth with the Lord but most importantly we will spend eternal life with Him. Many people will ask how I get through all that comes my way and still trust in the Lord. The answer is simple. My sight is on heaven. I know the only way I will spend eternity with Him is to live with Him now. I also know the trials that come my way on this earth grow my faith. The more trials I endure, the greater my faith becomes. That is exciting to think about! I desire to go deeper in my faith. No matter what circumstances I go through, that deepening will occur. That thought enables me to not cave into the circumstances but rather dig my heels in deeper. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song that reminds me to praise You no matter what. You are so worthy of my praise. You are so awesome in the way You give me things to praise You for even on tough days. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You show through me today in my words, actions, and attitude in a mighty way. Father, there are many hurting people that I am praying for this morning. I pray they will find reason to praise You even in their tough days. I pray You will become so real to them. Thank You Jesus for being The One I Praise. Amen.

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