Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ephesians 3:14-21 - "The Comeback"

This morning the Lord woke me to the chorus of "The Comeback" that Danny Gokey sings...

This is your time, your moment 
The fire, the fight, you're golden
You've come so far keep going
Here comes the comeback, comeback

There is no mountain you can't face
There is no giant you can't take
All of your tears were not a waste
You're one step away

Just when they think they've got you game, set, match
Here comes the comeback 

Yes! We must never give up even when circumstances try to take us down. I am grateful beyond words the Lord took me back when the enemy won years ago. I also am thankful when He protects me from the enemy. He does that in ways I do not even know about and also in ways I cannot comprehend. Yesterday as I was driving to help a teen get to a doctor appointment a lady came over into my lane. My first instinct was to blow the horn which fortunately made her realize we were going to hit. My second instinct was to swerve out of her way which took me up over the curb. The Lord protected us from hitting and He protected me while getting my car back onto the road. There were trees that could have been hit along with a pole but He protected me. His protection made for only aches and pains in my body and what the sheriff called 'minor' repairs to my car. I'm not sure how minor but I am praying for His favor in getting it paid for either by her or her insurance company. I praise His Holy Name for my 'Comeback' years ago. Had that not happened situations like yesterday could have played out differently. We never know when He will return but we do need to be ready for Him. That means staying 'prayed up' as an old friend use to say. It means living for Him every day. It means spending time with Him daily. It means living in His presence and walking the walk of obedience to His will. It means dying to self. Plain and simple. Or at least I believe it is because I live it. It has become my way of life. God did not accept me back years ago with open arms for me to fail Him. He accepted me back to thrive in Him and that is exactly what I intend to do. The enemy tries to crush me every day but I refuse to allow him that opportunity. I love the words in this song, "Just when they think they've got you game, set, match...Here comes the comeback!" Woo hoo! I am praying for many people who have strayed away from God. Some have just become lukewarm while others have become completely turned away from Him. I pray for all who have known Him and fallen away to realize who He is in their life again. Today I am praying Paul's prayer found in Ephesians 3:14-21 over all believers. I pray for them to be strengthened through the power of the Holy Spirit. I also pray for them to realize just how much God loves them. May God work in and through all believers in a mighty way today.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that accepted me back into Your arms many years ago. Thank You for protecting me yesterday from no further harm. Thank You for the strength to continue on my day yesterday when I felt like I just wanted to go to bed and cry. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May people see/hear You instead of me today in my words and actions. May my thoughts be on You and my mind focused on the desire of Your heart for me today. Lord, recently you opened my eyes to the need to pray for believers. I am praying Paul's prayer over all believers today and asking for a blessing over this prayer. May You be greater than anything else in their lives today. Thank You for the blessings of Ms. Paula gaining strength. I pray the same blessing over Debbie and Marlene as they continue on their roads of recovery. Thank You Jesus for being My Comeback! Amen.

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