Thursday, August 23, 2018

Psalm 37:3-7 - "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)"

My first thoughts this morning when I woke were on the Neiderhiser/Edwards family. My prayers have continued for them since the tragic death of little Kaleb. They also have continued for Jeremy's family as this month was a year since the accident that took his life. When such things happen, we question 'why?' We ask God to enable us to get through such tragic events. Faith in Him is the only way to get through them. Trusting Him when it seems like there are no answers is very difficult yet it is a must if we want to live in peace. I am reminded of my sermon Sunday about what it takes to get through the storms of life.

Trust Him
Delight in Him
Commit to Him
Rest in Him

As we do these four things, He will empower us to live in His peace. He will enable us to put one foot in front of the other when we feel like we can't go on. I was only eleven when my sister was murdered yet I have vivid memories of that time of life. I saw how my parents leaned on God to get through those tough days. They were an example throughout my life on what it takes to get through the storms of life. Daddy's sixty-plus surgeries, both of their health issues, Naomi's murder, Daddy getting hit by a train, him getting shot...these were some major times in our lives. But if we would not have had these things to live through, our faith would not be where it is today. I prayed a few years ago for the Lord to take me deeper. When you pray such a prayer, you must be ready for tough days ahead. I'm not sure if I would have prayed it if I would have known I was going to be moved so far from my family, live through the stress of two hurricanes, be diagnosed with breast cancer, and have so much opposition to getting into a church building. I hope I would have still prayed in that manner but as a human being I'm not sure. I do know my faith has deepened through these things. I chose to allow God to work in and through me. I chose joy when I chose God. I chose His peace even in the midst of all the storms that have happened over my life. I love this simple little saying...

No God = No Peace
Know God = Know Peace

So, so true. Jesus calmed the physical storm for the disciples when they were out of the water. He will do the same for our 'storms' when we give Him the opportunity to do so.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for bringing storms into my life so my faith will deepen. Father, I pray for those going through storms to receive Your peace. May they get to the end of themselves and allow You to strengthen them. I pray for the Neiderhiser/Edwards families as they have Kaleb's service today. I pray You will strengthen them in the way only of You. I also pray for Jeremy's family as Saturday was the one year anniversary of his death. This time last year they were preparing for his celebration of life service. Lord, we do not understand why people get taken from this earth in such horrific manners but we trust in You to get us through the storms. I also pray for Ms. Paula who is back in the hospital. Lord, give the doctors Your wisdom. I pray for a healing in her body and a strengthening in her soul. Lord, may You give her a miracle today. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be my words, action, and attitude throughout this day. May people see/hear You instead of me today. Thank You Jesus for being The One to Calm My Storms. Amen.

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