Saturday, August 22, 2015

Romans 8 - "Our God"

The Lord woke me up with a song Chris Tomlin sings called "Our God" and I immediately was blessed. It is so cool with the knowledge that He is greater than anything that happens in life. He is greater than disappointment. He is greater than physical ailments. He is greater than addiction. He is greater than financial issues. Plain and simple...He is greater! Woo hoo! I love the reinforcement of that greatness in these words....

And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what could stand against? 
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what could stand against? 
What could stand against?

Nothing is greater than God. Nothing. Romans 8 has many words of encouragement. It is full of promises for those who believe in Him...

Verse 1 - no condemnation
Verse 11 - we have life with the Spirit dwelling in us
Verse 14 - when we allow the Spirit to lead us, we belong to God
Verse 26 - the Spirit intercedes for us
Verse 28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose." (NIV)
Verse 29 - we were created to be conformed to the likeness of Christ
Verse 30 - we are called to live a life for Christ
Verse 31 - nothing is greater than God
Verse 34 - Christ intercedes for us
Verse 35 - nothing can separate us from the love of Christ
Verse 37 - His love enables us to be conquerors over anything in life
Verse 38 - once again, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ

Woo hoo! I love the promises found in this chapter. Sometimes I wish I would have lived in the time of Paul so I could have sat down and listened to him. But then other times I am grateful for the time I live in. Not only can I read what Paul wrote many years ago but I have the tools to study them that were not available then. The one thing I do have that Paul had was the Holy Spirit to enlighten me as I study God's Word. 

I received a note from a friend the other day that read...

If you start to doubt that God is still using you to minister, rest assured that is far from truth. You my dear friend, have become my pastor. We are in a place of feeding our church rather than being fed. Your insight has challenged me and replenished me. I appreciate your obedience more than you know. Love and hugs.

Woo hoo! The Lord knew of my discouragement on the day I received this. He knew I needed reminded that I am still His servant even when I am physically hindered. I praise His Holy Name for the way He loves me. He knew me before I was even born and knows me so greatly now. I am so blessed by the relationship I have with Him. I am also so blessed with the promises from Romans 8. It is with hope that I sing...

Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God...

Into the darkness you shine
Out of the ashes we Rise
There's no One like You
None like You.

Yes! He is greater...stronger...higher! He is My Healer! He is awesome in power! He will enable me to rise from this exacerbation stronger than before! He is my strength when I feel like I can't go on! He is My God!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You so much for all the ways You show Your love to me. Sometimes, Lord, it is through reminders of songs or scripture...sometimes through blessing me with people's words...sometimes giving me the desires of my many way You take care of me. Thank You for leading me to the place to get Doc's medicine yesterday. I continue to pray for Your timing in the situation with my insurance and disability. Lord, I want to be stronger in You through this time of physical/mental/emotional weakness. The desire of my heart is for people to see Your strength in me. Fill me to overflowing with more of You and less of me in order for that to happen. Lord, whoever sees me today or hears words from my mouth...I pray they will see/hear You. Direct my path to heal the hurting. Lord, thank You for having me live in this time where I can touch people through the internet. Thank You Father for being My Greatness. Amen.

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