Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Romans 12 - "Lifesong"

As I woke this morning Casting Crowns "Lifesong" was in my head but I didn't play it or sing it. A little later as I was making breakfast Doc started singing it. When I told him that was the song the Lord woke me up to, he asked if I had been singing it. I told him "nope" but thought how cool it is for the Lord to give us the same song.

We had thirty six hours away from home but were still close enough to go if needed. When we had an emergency with one of the boys from church, Lynn and Pastor James went to be with him and his family. I feel very confident the Lord used them in ways He wouldn't have used us. Today as we went to Toledo to see Caleb this song came on the radio. Once again, I felt blessed.

Let my lifesong sing to You
Let my lifesong sing to You
I want to sign Your name
To the end of this day
Knowing that my heart was true
Let my lifesong sing to You

Isn't this what life is all about? I am so blessed in being in ministry with my hubby. Being able to spend hours upon end with one another is such a blessing. This last day and a half being alone away from home was a big blessing. The first night we both slept ten hours. (That isn't unusual for me but for him it is!) These days are hard as we find we can't do things we 'use to do' or sometimes things we 'want to do' yet the Lord blessed us with giving us this time. Yes, we still were ministering through texts and calls but we also were being blessed with rest. 

Today was a big day for so many people that I prayed for...

  • Willard kids and teachers who went back to school in a new building
  • One who was to have a mammogram but another health issue came up that delayed it
  • Caleb who was without food for 24 hours and still in the hospital
  • One who was going to an appointment for detox
  • One who recently lost a job
  • One who is caving to the ways of the world instead of being strong for the Lord
  • Those on a mission trip to Guatemala
This morning as I was praying the Lord seemed to say "I got this!" And to that I said, "Go, God!" I am so thankful My Lord is the One I live for. He is the One I want to please each and every day. I pray my lifesong will be exactly what He wants it to be. I am one blessed lady with the life I have! Yes, even with MS and all of the things going on right now I am blessed! I can say that because He is in control. I have no fear. He is with me today and He will be with me tomorrow. Most importantly, He already knows what tomorrow holds! Woo hoo!!!!

Dear Jesus,
I want to live out Romans 12. The desire of my heart is to be a living sacrifice for You. I pray You will enable me to live out Your will for me. Lord, enable me to use the gifts You have given me. Enable me to love people with Your love. Fill me to overflowing with more of You and less of me so people will see You instead of me. Thank You Father for being My Lifesong. Amen.

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