Friday, January 12, 2018

Matthew 4:6 - "Hills and Valleys"

It does not surprise me that the Lord gave me the words to "Hills and Valleys" throughout the night and again this morning. Yesterday morning I had a mountain top experience with Him. He moved mountains as we traveled through heavy rain in the afternoon. Last night I went into a valley as I dealt with a situation. I refuse to give the enemy any foothold in the valley situation so I am not speaking of it, just praying for my God to be greater than it. I am praising God for my mountaintop experience. It was surreal. I tried to articulate it to Doc and struggled. I have never had such an experience. I was working on a paper for school on who Jesus is. There came a point where I stopped reading because I felt like I was on the edge of a revelation. I had a vision of God and there was a thought...yet not a complete thought flicker through my mind and then it was gone. I tried to get it back but it didn't happen. As I reflect back on it, I wonder if it happened on my day of fasting for a reason. That is definitely something to ask God. When I described it to Doc, he said, 'God was preparing me for something'. He said 'it was because of my hunger for more'. It was one of the most awesome moments in my relationship with the Lord. I can't wait for the day when He gives it to me in its fullness. These words to "Hills and Valleys" were very applicable to yesterday...

On the mountains, I will bow my life
to the one who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes to the one who sees me there
When I'm standing on the mountain aft, didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking through the valley end, no am not alone!
You're God of the hills and valleys!
Hills and Valleys!
God of the hills and valleys
and I am not alone!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the "Hills and Valleys" of yesterday. Thank You for the protection on the roads. Thank You for the way You wake me in the middle of the night to pray for people. I continue to pray for the unbeliever who was given a 'bad' diagnosis yesterday; my friends in therapy for hip and knee surgery; my sister who is in such pain and was given a February 1 surgery date; the 'valley' situation of yesterday; the events of this weekend. Father, cleanse me of anything not of You so people will see/hear You instead of me. I pray for boldness in my words today in a way that will be different, new. Lord, go before me and guide me to where You so desire. Thank You Father for being God of My Hills and My Valleys! Amen.

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