Thursday, May 14, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:12-13; Joshua 1:9 - "Waymaker"

Yesterday a friend said I looked 'peaceful' even with what is happening in life. I am glad I do. Sometimes I'm not sure how there is peace but then God reminds me He is my Peace. I am so grateful for that. When I fell apart at my virtual neurologist appointment yesterday I apologized for being so emotional. She told me it was natural to be emotional in this time and I should not worry about it. I thought about how God gave me emotions for a reason. He uses tears to cleanse my spirit. He wraps His arms around me and allows me to show my emotions. I'm so grateful He gave me a husband who allows me to be emotional. I know that is definitely a blessing many wives are not blessed with. I started my day with tears and ended it with tears and that is ok. I continue to pray for a miraculous healing for Doc to happen on this earth, sooner than later. I wait in anticipation as I hope for this to occur. God is my Hope. He is my Miracle Maker. He is the Only One who can do what I pray for. A friend shared with me some words from Joy Thomas about the day in between the burial of Jesus and His resurrection. 

“It’s quiet, things seem hopeless, and it appears that nothing will ever change. But, it is in this blank space that the greatest miracle is taking place. May we never forget that in our blank spaces we have a mighty God that is still in the miracle business. He is still moving mountains on our behalf. He is still breaking chains. He is still resurrecting dreams. He is still saving lives. He is still on His throne! He sees! He knows! He’s working even when all we see is a blank space!”

The "blank space" is where we are. We are waiting, praying, hoping, and depending completely on God. God is giving us a miracle every day that we have life together. He is giving us a miracle by keeping the cancer intact in the pancreas. He has given us a miracle of Doc being in the eighteen percent of those with stage four pancreatic cancer seeing a year of life. He is still in the miracle making business. Doc is living proof of that. He has not given us the miraculous healing yet but He is still working. Praise His Holy Name! We will continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in the empowerment of His Holy Spirit knowing He is not done yet. He is always with us, fighting for us. He is not going to leave us but instead will be our Presence as long as we allow Him to be. He is our Peace because we are living in His presence through these days that are so hard. I think of Paul's words in Philippians 4:12-13.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Yes! When I was unable to do much of anything physically, God gave me Philippians 4:13 to hold onto. I thought He was talking about physical strength then but He was meaning our entire being. He strengthens our physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual body as we lean into Him. I can't even begin to imagine what my emotional body would be like if He wasn't strengthening me. I don't know how people get through life without God. That is one of the reasons I feel an urgency to get people to accept Him into their heart and to get those who already believe in Him to go deeper in their relationship with Him. People need Him in their lives. People need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to get through the mountains and valleys of life. I am encouraged this morning by the song Waymaker.

Miracle Worker
Promise Keeper
Light in the darkness
My God
That is who You are

Woo hoo! Yes! He is all of these things to me. As we are in this waiting time, I pray for God to make the way for healing to happen in Doc's body. He promises to be with us. God's words to Joshua in Joshua 1:9 are ones I take to heart.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Yes! I will be strong in Him. I will not allow the enemy an open door to give him an opportunity to put fear upon my life. My God is the Light in the Darkness of our situation. He promises to be with me through it and for that I am grateful. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving us so greatly that You have given us another day of life together! Thank You for the way You were with Doc through the chemo and then through the sickness afterward! Thank You for going before us and keeping us close to You! Thank You for being our Strength as we continue to wait for Your miraculous healing! Father, every day we have together is a miracle from You and for each day we are thankful. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You shine brightly through me throughout the day ahead. I pray today is a typical day after chemo with Doc feeling good. I pray we will bless You as You bless us. Thank You for reports of successful surgeries for Brenda and Dick. I pray for my friend having a procedure this morning to experience a miracle through it and for another friend whose brother is on life support. Lord, be with all fighting C. Doc, Lisa, Mike, David, my pastor friend, Linda, Kandi, Tiffany's father, and so many others. I pray for our government officials, pastors, business leaders, and health providers as they continue to deal with making decisions with the coronavirus. Lord, be the One people turn to for wisdom. Thank You Jesus for being Our Waymaker! Amen.

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