Monday, May 18, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Matthew 22:36-39 - "Thy Will"

Heavy burdens for others lead to a great deepening with the Lord. He blesses me in abundance through intercession. As I pray for people to have His peace, I receive His peace myself. The Lord has given me multiple physical healings and has given me a heart to pray for physical healing for others. He also healed my spiritual body many years ago when I had turned away from Him. I pray the same for many today. My heart breaks to see and hear those who proclaim to be His followers being nasty to others. God does not condone such behavior. The saying 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' needs to be adhered to in this day and time. I am not being judgmental. God continues to have me pray for people's words, actions, attitude, and thoughts that are not showing His love. He plainly gave the greatest commandment in Matthew 22:36-39 along with the second greatest. It reads in The Passion Translation:

“‘Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.’ This is the great and supreme commandment. And the second is like it in importance: ‘You must love your friend in the same way you love yourself.’"

If we are bashing other people, we are not following these commandments. If we are verbally attacking others or allowing our political views to causes division, we are not following these commandments. If we are not following these commandments, how can we proclaim to follow God? I don't believe we can. I've heard different people say they are quitting social media because there is 'too much drama' or 'too much negativity.' Everyone has to make their own decision. I choose to stay on social media to show God's love through positive posts, be connected with family and friends, and be a beacon of light for God. I don't read every post that comes before me. When I see they are political or controversial, I scroll on by. Being on social media shows me how I can pray for people, especially their spiritual needs. If Moses would have turned away from the Israelites when they continued to not do as God desired, where would we be today? Instead he prayed for them to change their ways. He stood in the gap for them asking God to not wipe them off the earth but instead to give them another chance. That is exactly what I am doing when I pray for believers who are not living out God's commandments to love. In The Passion Translation He tells us to love with passion and energy. If more people would put their passion and energy into loving instead of tearing down, our world would be a lot different. If all of us would love as Jesus loved, our world would be so different. It would be a world of peace and joy. I think of the acronym for joy.


His joy and His peace are what we all can live in when we follow the greatest commandment. Oh how I pray for God to give people second chances to get in right relationship with Him so they can know His joy and peace. I continue to pray for people to get their focus off of self and onto Him so they can live a life of obedience to His will. Just as Elijah called out to God and asked Him to reveal Himself to the Israelites, I am calling out and asking God to reveal Himself to the believers today who are not living out the greatest commandment. I am praying for their eyes to be opened to Him so their hearts will no longer be hardened. I am praying for there to be spiritual breakthroughs that can only occur through His miraculous power. I am praying for people to no longer allow satan to have open doors into their lives and for the spirit of fear to be overtaken by great faith. May more people stand upon II Timothy 1:7 where the Holy Spirit empowers them to not fear but instead to love with God's love. God has revealed to me people are acting out of fear through words not of Him. He has revealed to me people are not thinking of Him before they speak but instead are allowing the enemy to blind them from Him. My heart breaks. The tears have fallen many times. I don't want to see anyone go to hell but if we are not walking in full agreement to Him that is where we will go. He has laid people on my heart to pray for and I have. I can't carry the burden of people's eternity around but instead have given the burdens back to Him to handle. I cannot change people myself but I know Who can. For that knowledge, I am thankful. Praise His Holy Name.

Dear Jesus
Thank You for using me as Your obedient servant! Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that restored me when I walked away! Thank You for Your joy and peace as I seek You with my whole heart! Thank You for giving me Moses and Elijah as examples to follow in intercessory prayer! Thank You for being the Greatest Example of being an Intercessor! Lord, cleanse me today so You can fill me to overflowing with more of Your Holy Spirit. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout this day. Thank You for godly men like Dan and Corey who speak life to me! Thank You for my godly husband who lives a godly example not only for others but especially in our home! Lord, may Your will be for his healing today. May his pain be gone so he can eat and may You be greater than the cancer in his pancreas. Lord, I pray for the physical needs of June, Janice, and Deanna today with medical procedures and testing. I pray You will give doctors wisdom, nurses a gentle touch, and protection for all. Lord, once again I come before You praying for spiritual needs. May eyes be opened up to You so hearts will not be hardened. Lord, be greater than anything that is ahead in this day. Thank You Jesus for being Greatest Example! Amen.

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