Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Psalm 51:10-15 - "Create In Me"

I went to bed last night praying for three families who lost loved ones yesterday. One was a godly ninety year old saint who had lived a good life. One was a sixty nine year old man who died in an accident yesterday. Another was the father of an acquaintance who she had suffered with abuse from as a child. The man in the accident did not know he was going to die in such a manner. Would he have lived his life different? If he was not a believer, did he cry out to the Lord in his final moments? Did he even have time to do so? We just never know when our time on this earth will be over. Only God knows. That is why it is so important to live each day ready for His time to either take us from this earth or return to it Himself. Many people say they will go to church or get into relationship with God tomorrow, or next week, or .... but sometimes that time never comes. I think of the one who suffered abuse from her father. They had talked but I don't know that all their issues were ever resolved. I am thankful she is at peace with her situation. It takes a lot of work to get to that point after being abused. It takes forgiving the abuser even when they never ask for forgiveness. We need to remember we are not the judge of such people, only the Lord is. We also need to not allow the way we feel about such circumstances put a distance between us and God. One little bit of hatred, unforgiveness, etc. can separate us from God. If we are to be ready at all times, we must ask Him daily to cleanse us of anything that is between Him and us. We must be clean to expect to live for eternity with Him. This is easier said than done at times but when we are filled with the Holy Spirit it is something that can be accomplished so much easier. Cleanse me so You can fill me is my daily prayer. I do not want anything to stop me from spending eternity with Him. "Create in me a clean, clean heart..."

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for the empowerment You provide over situations such as abuse. Thank You for being with these ones who are going through the loss of a loved one. Father, as I've said before, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You so I can be the servant You have called me to be. I do not understand why I was abused but it is not for me to have to know. All I know is You have used my experience to help others going through the same thing. I am grateful something good came out of such a bad experience. Lord, I pray today for Your boldness as I attempt this school project. May You go before me just as You did yesterday with the house situation. Thank You Jesus for being My Cleanser. Amen.

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