Saturday, March 10, 2018

Hebrews 12:1-3 - "Fix My Eyes"

Jesus gave us the example of how to walk in obedience to our Heavenly Father. He could have climbed down off the cross at any time but instead He chose to do as His Father desired. He could have given up when He was beaten but instead He chose to continue on the road His Father put before Him. He could have given into the temptation of the devil but instead He dug deep inside Himself to find His Father's strength. We have the same choice to make. We can either give into the things of this world that try to pull us out of relationship with our Heavenly Father or we can stand in His strength. When we chose to walk in obedience, we are choosing Him for eternity. When we chose to allow the enemy to win, we are choosing eternity in hell. Our Heavenly Father gives us free choice. He does not pressure us but instead loves on us whether we choose to walk in obedience or fall by the wayside. He allows us to make the choice of either keeping our focus on Him or not. The enemy is in full force in our lives. He tries to trip us up to take our focus off of God. He cannot win. He just can't. We cannot allow him any open door. Instead we must do as Hebrews 12 says and "not grow weary and lose heart." 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for taking me to Hebrews 12 this morning to encourage my heart. Thank You for loving me so greatly. Thank You for cleansing me today so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. Lord, You are so awesome in the way You give me exactly what I need, sometimes before I even realize I need it. You are so awesome in the way You use Your Word to love on me. Father, today is a new day. I pray You will strengthen me physically, mentally, emotionally and most all spiritually so I can be the beacon of light You have called me to be. Lord, thank You for being My Focus. Amen.

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