Monday, August 8, 2016

Deuteronomy 6:4-5; Mark 12:28-31 - "Love The Lord"

It seems only appropriate that the Lord would lay the Shema on my heart as I write my 1000 post for my blog. In Mark 12 Jesus says it is the most important commandment. In Deuteronomy 6 the Shema is given as the love command. This command says it all on how we, as God's creation, are to live while on this earth. When we live in this manner here, we will live with Him for eternity. In thinking about how the Jews say this (at a minimum) morning and night I wonder how many do it automatically and how many truly live it out. There are many Scriptures that come to my mind in time of trials that I pray. As I pray them, He gives me peace through the knowledge found in them. There are also Scriptures that come to my mind in time of great joy that I praise God through. As I say them, I find greater joy through them. As I think of this Scripture, I am blessed in knowing He is my One and Only God and I love Him with my whole being. This blesses me because of Jesus saying it is the greatest commandment. In order to live out this commandment one must not only be a believer but most importantly they must be surrendered to Him. His will must be in the forefront of one's mind. I like the reminder Doc gave yesterday from the Lord's prayer. 

Thy Kingdom come. 
Thy will be done in earth, 
As it is in heaven.

Yes! As we love Him and are surrendered to Him we should expect His will to be lived out on this earth. There is no cancer in heaven. Therefore, we should pray and expect it to be eradicated from this earth. The same goes with MS, diabetes, blindness, etc. When God's people come to the point of expecting, heaven is found on this earth. Hallelujah! He will be glorified! How can this be? We must follow the greatest command and "Hear" from Him. In order to "hear" from Him, we must be in relationship with Him. He must be greater than ourself. The term 'I' or 'me' must be thrown out the window. He must be first if we expect Him to reveal heaven to us on this earth. Woo hoo! I am so excited to see more of heaven on this earth! I have witnessed heaven on this earth as I helped deliver two precious babies. I have witnessed heaven on this earth as I received healing in my physical body. I have witnessed heaven on this earth as I watched different ones cross over to be with Him. I have witnessed heaven on this earth as I marvel in the beauty of His creation. I have witnessed heaven on this earth in hearing His voice for His will to be in my life. YES! I have witnessed heaven on this earth some but the desire of my heart is to witness it more and more. I so desire heaven on this earth to be the norm for more people to experience. The only way that will happen is for complete surrender to the Lord to be the norm. Oh, Lord help us...bring it on...may You be the norm on this earth! Woo hoo! Glory! 

Dear Jesus,
You are so awesome! You are so mighty! You are so great! Woo hoo! I feel like I am going to burst out of my skin this morning! Oh Father how I pray for more people to come into relationship with You. How I pray for more people who know You to go deeper and surrender to You. Father, if there is anything I have not surrendered, would You please reveal it me today? Would You open my mind up in new ways? Would You direct my thoughts to new things? Father, I love You so much and desire Your will on this earth "as it is in heaven." Woo hoo! Lord, direct my path and my words today so You will be revealed through me. Enable me to be You to others. Give me exactly what I need each and every moment today to live heaven out on this earth. Lord, be greater than me. Be mighty in Your power through me. Empower me through Your Holy Spirit to live out Your will. Thank You Jesus for being My One and Only God. Amen.

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