Sunday, February 2, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:28 - "Confidence"

The Lord woke me at 4AM to pray for pastors. He reminded me pastors need prayed for regularly. A pastor's life is not a 'piece of cake' as many believe. It is a life of pleasing Him not people. He had me pray for pastors:
  • who are going into the pulpit today physically drained from ministry events of this last week.
  • who are fighting physical battles with disease, illness, etc. in themselves or a family member.
  • who are being attacked by the enemy to realize He is their strength.
  • with prodigal children to not give up praying for them.
  • who continue to live in the flesh to die to self so they can truly live as He desires.
  • with hopes and dreams for their church body to allow Him to be in charge of their ministry.
  • who are seeking His direction to continue to do so and not give up.
  • who are discouraged with what is happening or not happening in their ministry to continue to seek Him.
  • who are ready to quit their current church or ministry altogether to make sure it is His will and His timing.
I prayed for my pastor/husband to have strength to preach today. I prayed for him to have clarity in his thought process. 'Chemo brain' is no fun, especially when you need to convey a message. I also prayed for a pastor friend who is also doing chemo and pastoring. He brought the song Confidence to me as I prayed.

So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence

There are many giants in a pastor's life that others do not face. God is greater than our giants. He didn't call any of us to fail. He called us to be His obedient servants. He called us to walk in His empowerment to love with His love. As we do, more people will come into relationship with Him. II Timothy 1:7 encourages us to stand in His empowerment so we can love with His love. It encourages us to live with the Holy Spirit dwelling in us so nothing we do comes from the flesh but from the Spirit. I hold onto the promise of Romans 8:28. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose (NIV). Woo hoo! We may have struggles in life but He is always with us. As we have 'tough' days He will take our faith deeper. We are never alone nor do we ever have to do anything on our own strength. What we must do is stay in full relationship with Him so He can work in and through us in a mighty way.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for my Saturday night time of praying for pastors! Thank You for cleansing me this morning so You can fill me so I am empowered to be Your obedient servant! Thank You for the strength and clarity You are going to give Doc to preach today! Thank You for the way You continue to be with Him! Thank You for the way You are going before us as we await the CT scan results! Father, I pray for all pastors to be encouraged today. I pray for all pastors to seek You before they go into the pulpit. I pray all pastors will get to the end of themselves and live in the fullness of the Spirit. I pray this for all believers. Lord, be with Pastor James as he preaches today. May people be open and receptive to his message. I also pray for my pastor friend who is dealing with the effects of chemo to have strength and clarity. Lord, be greater than anything that comes before pastors. May more of them realize You need to be first in their lives. Thank You Jesus for being My Confidence! Amen. 

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