Friday, February 28, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 31 - "Reason"

Yesterday afternoon was awesome with a few hours of normalcy. It wasn't what used to be 'normal' but it was great just the same! When cancer is a daily part of your life, you are grateful for such times. We had Sonic $1 hot dogs for lunch, checked the progress of the electricity at the church building, bought a few Christmas gifts that were on clearance, and had BYOB banana splits from Bruster's. The 'bad' part about the afternoon was Doc coming home and sleeping for over two hours from being wore out. But we made some memories and enjoyed the time. Praise God! I know He gives us such times to encourage us through the 'tough' days and for that I am grateful. The Lord took me to Psalm 31 this morning to be encouraged. In The Passion Translation in this Psalm He is called many things. Hiding place...strong shelter...high fortress...stronghold of salvation...God of faithfulness God...secret place. Woo hoo! He is all of these to me. He is the One who directs my days. He is the One I not only hear but walk in obedience to. He is the One who is always with me. Plain and simple. He is the One. Yes! I do not have to fear the cancer in Doc's body. God already knows the outcome. All I have to do is stand in His love and empowerment as II Timothy 1:7 directs me to do. Verses nineteen through twenty-four of Psalm 31 reads:

19 Lord, how wonderful you are!
You have stored up so many good things for us,
like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings—
all for those who honor and worship you!
Everybody knows what you can do
for those who turn and hide themselves in you.
20 So hide all your beloved ones
in the sheltered, secret place before your face.
Overshadow them by your glory-presence.
Keep them from these accusations, the brutal insults of evil men.
Tuck them safely away in the tabernacle where you dwell.
21 The name of the Lord is blessed and lifted high!
For his marvelous miracle of mercy protected me
when I was overwhelmed by my enemies.
22 I spoke hastily when I said, “The Lord has deserted me.”
For in truth, you did hear my prayer and came to rescue me.
23 Listen to me, all you godly ones: Love the Lord with passion!
The Lord protects and preserves all those who are loyal to him.
But he pays back in full all those who reject him in their pride.
24 So cheer up! Take courage all you who love him.
Wait for him to break through for you, all who trust in him!

I love the picture of His blessings overflowing from a treasure chest. Every day we have together is a blessing for Doc and I. The memories we make are blessings. No one knows when their time on earth will be over. I could be in a car accident today or the breast cancer I had three years ago could return and take me from this earth. We never know but when we are facing things such as pancreatic cancer it brings leaving this earth more real. It makes time more precious with loved ones. Making memories becomes a blessing that is often taken advantage of. Love the Lord with passion has been our way of living for quite some time but now it is even more so. He blesses us in abundance every day and for that I am grateful. I also am grateful for the way He provides physical, mental, emotional, and financial strength. As Doc said the other day, it doesn't make sense how we continue to make the bills without his extra income. It also doesn't make sense to the doctors that he is doing as well as he is with going through nine months of treatments for pancreatic cancer. It doesn't make sense why we are not in the church building yet. There are so many things that don't make sense in the human aspect of things but thankfully we don't live in the flesh but in the spirit. The Holy Spirit is the One to guide us through the mountains and valleys of life. This morning these words going through my mind...

This year's felt like four seasons of winter
And you'd give anything you think to feel the sun
Always reaching always climbing
Always second guessing the timing
But God has a plan a purpose in this
You are His child so don't you forget

He put that hunger in your heart
He put that fire in your soul
His love is the reason
To keep on believing
When you feel like giving up
When you feel like giving in
His love is the reason
To keep on believing

Yes! He is the Reason I woke up this morning. He is the Reason I have a new day ahead of me. He is the Reason we will not fear pancreatic cancer but instead stand in His love through it. Plain and simple. He is the Reason! Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You encouraged me yesterday! Thank You for this Scripture and song this morning that encourages me! Thank You for the way You already know the outcome of the cancer in Doc's pancreas! Thank You for blessing us yesterday as we made memories together! Father, I pray today will be a day where Doc feels Your strength in every aspect of His life. I pray the same for many others who are battling disease. Thank You for little Ady doing better; little Richie as he approaches his last chemo; and little Finn as he gets closer to going home for his first time. I pray You will continue to be with Spencer and his family as they await his liver transplant. Lord, it's so hard to see anyone go through such things but it is especially hard to see children suffer. May You be greater than what they are going through. Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout the day ahead. May You use me as Your faithful servant to love with Your love. May You continue to be with Craig's family as they prepare for their move. Thank You for the way You have encouraged them greatly through this time with his health issues! Thank You for all the ways You continue to bless us through this valley we are living in! Thank You for the progress with the electric at the building. I pray You will provide painters tomorrow to continue the work. Thank You Father for being My Treasure Chest of Blessings! Amen.


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