Saturday, July 27, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Colossians 3:23-24; Mark 6:31 - "Way Maker"

Some days I just want to crawl into bed and cover up my head. Life can be so difficult at times. I am grateful for the way God filled my spiritual tank with District Assembly. I also am grateful He gave me physical strength for it. But when my emotional tank is being sideswiped, my mental tank struggles. I can't seem to stay up on things which causes more problems. I am grateful we live in a society where bills can be put on automatic payment so you don't have to remember to write checks. Today I am praying for God to enable me to get some things accomplished that have been put off. It is so hard to do things when Doc is watching TV or sitting out in the Carolina room. I just want to be with him. That's what causes my procrastination. Some things are unpleasant or will take a lot of mental capability so I 'wait until tomorrow' with them. Some things will take physical energy and some days I just don't have much of that. But I must not procrastinate. Instead I need to ask God to empower me to get accomplished what is needed to be done. I do not want to do anything unless it is in His plan. If I get caught up in doing tasks, I may miss an opportunity He puts before me to love on someone. Paul's words in Colossians 3:23-24 regarding Christian households come to me this morning:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 

He gave me these verses in the first year of being in Willard when I was trying to do everything, everyone wanted me to do. I thought that's what a 'good' pastor's wife did! I soon realized He is the Only One I need to please. I was not going to be good to anyone if I was so stressed and wore out by doing for others instead of listening to Him. He also reminded me we all need a time of rest; a time away from our normal daily tasks. The more we stay on top of those daily tasks, the easier it will be to have a break from them. I can get so caught up into reading a book that an hour will slip by before I even realize it. Is that wrong? Not if I have accomplished what God desired of me before spending that hour reading. Jesus Himself took time away from his normal daily tasks. In Mark 6 before the feeding of the five thousand, He took His disciples out into a boat to get away from the crowds. He said, Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest (vs 31). There is a lesson to be learned from them. After they listened to Him, the great miracle of feeding the crowd with two fish and five loaves of bread happened. I believe God wants to do miracles through us. He cannot work in and through us if we are stressing over tasks that need done. Therefore, we must stay on top of tasks so they are not a burden. I normally do pretty good at staying on top of tasks but it seems like over the last couple of weeks I have not. So once again, I will ask the Lord to empower me to accomplish them today. Maybe that is why I only slept seven hours and woke so early. This is the time He is giving me to get things done. I sure hope there is a nap in my future today because seven hours is definitely what my body functions best on. Or maybe He will perform a miracle and give me His supernatural strength to function on it today! Or maybe He is reminding me that I had eleven hours of sleep the night before and it all equals out! No matter what, I want to take every opportunity He puts before me today. Even if the tasks do not get accomplished! No matter what, I must stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His strength and empowerment.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way You provide for us! Thank You for Doc pushing through the side effects of chemo! Thank You for Your empowerment in my physical, mental, emotional, and financial bodies! Thank Your for the opportunities You put before me yesterday and the ones ahead today! Thank You for open ears and open eyes to them! Father, I pray for Your continued direction with the church building rehab. I pray for the funds to come in for the completion of this project. Father, may You be glorified in the process. Lord, I pray for those who are contemplating being in church tomorrow to make the decision to go no matter what church they choose. Lord, there are so many people who need to be grounded in their relationship with You in a new, different way. I pray You will pave the way for this to happen. I especially pray You will cleanse me so You can fill me so You can use me when You open doors for me to love people with Your love. Thank You Jesus for being My Way Maker! Amen.

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