Sunday, July 7, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; 3:16-17 - "Make Me A Servant"

The Lord woke me at 2:00 and 4:00 to pray for pastors. At 2:00 He had me praying for ones going through tough times. Steve with his wife Peggy who is battling brain cancer; Scott and Billie with her continued journey with the effects from her cancer; Brian Walker's wife and children; a pastor who is not in the pulpit for the first time in years; Rev. Fite with health issues; Pastor Brad who had a pacemaker put in this week; and retired pastors who struggle financially and emotionally with the change in their lives. He also had me pray for those being ordained this summer at various District Assemblies along with District Superintendents. At 4:00 He had me praying for pastors who were being woke up by Him with the knowledge He was changing their sermon for the day. This can be a hard thing to comprehend. It can bring on many questions for a pastor. "Did I not hear Him right earlier in the week? Why would God give me a sermon and then change it? What will happen if I just preach the one I already have?" If God changes a sermon, a pastor needs to go along with the change. A pastor needs to preach what God desires. We may never know why God changes things we've already done. Perhaps it is to see if we will be obedient to Him. Or perhaps it is because God knows there will be someone there who needs to hear something different. It does not matter the 'why' but it does matter that we go along with Him. It is a great privilege to be in the pulpit. It also is a great task given to us that we need to honor God through. I have seen Doc get up in front of the congregation and tell them God was changing his sermon at that very moment but he had no idea to what. He prayed and then asked people to open their Bibles to a specific Scripture God gave him through the prayer. That is what I would call a 'last moment sermon' that many pastors would ignore. Many would question if it were God speaking to them or the enemy. They may question if God was going to give them anything. II Timothy 1:7 tells us God does not cause us to fear such situations but instead will empower us to thrive through them. It also tells us when we are walking in a life of holiness, not only hearing but listening to Him, we will be blessed through Him. Woo hoo! Every time I set down and write a sermon I remember that it is not my words coming together but instead are His words. I pray, I listen, I write. I allow the Scriptures to come alive through me. I also remember II Timothy 3:16-17...

Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action), So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. (AMPC)

Yes! I cannot fail in my sermon preparation when I base it on Scripture. I do not have to 'pretty it up' with a bunch of stories. All I have to do is focus on the Scripture and what God gives me to deliver from it.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for the privilege to pray for pastors during the night! Thank You for blessing me in abundance through praying for them! Lord, I pray especially for my pastor who needs a physical touch. I pray You will empower Doc with a supernatural strength today as he functions on little sleep. I also pray Your supernatural strength for Steve, Scott, Rev. Fite, Brad, Pastor Sam and other D.S's with summer activities, and those being ordained this summer. I pray for all pastors to listen to You as they go into the pulpit. I pray for lives to be changed through their obedience. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing so lives will be changed through my obedience. I pray You will be close to Joanne with the loss of her dear mother and Brian Walker's family. I also pray You will bless those who blessed us yesterday in abundance. Our dear friends who sent a generous check; Amy for the gift card for our dinner out; and Joshua for taking our trash to the dump. Thank You for the day we had yesterday with Doc eating 'normal'! Thank You for our date night! Thank You for blessing us in so many ways! Thank You for being Our Normal! Amen.

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