Thursday, June 7, 2018

Psalm 37:4 - "Good, Good Father"

God is so good! He is an amazing God! He is an absolute God! He continually amazes me on how He works in and through me. This has been a tough week in so many ways yet I have felt His peace throughout. I've only had two times of crying other than my times of joyful tears or tears from being moved by the Spirit. The things that have occurred this week have been pretty major. Last night when I asked for prayer I told the group it would probably be considered a 'stupid' prayer but it was an important one. They assured me there was nothing stupid about it at all. That 'stupid' prayer was answered with His favor. Woo hoo! As I reflect back over the last few days I am amazed at His strength in my physical, mental, and emotional body. I am blessed with having His strength in my spiritual body. Our JOY group is doing a study on the book "Unglued." I am confident that study is what has enabled me to not become "Unglued" in some difficult situations. He is doing major work in me through this study. His supernatural power has been with me to keep me at peace. There is no other explanation for it. I told Doc Tuesday I was strong and I was only going to get stronger through all that is going on. I'm standing in the Lord's strength for whatever is ahead. At that point in the day, I was awaiting an ultrasound with a needle biopsy on my breast. The ultrasound occurred but there was nothing to biopsy! The situation is still not over because the symptoms are still there BUT God is in control. Whatever He has in the days ahead will be fine. As I await the results of four MRI's I know He is in control. Whatever they show or don't show will be fine. The situation with the hospital and doctors bills from Doc's surgery will be OK because God will provide. Finding out there is no assistance with the hospital bill is all part of God's plan. There is no reason to fret over something God has already taken care of. He desires us to have faith in Him. It is great faith that enables me to be typing on my laptop this morning. When the hard drive crashed last weekend, I prayed for "an easy fix." When we went to Charleston to get it fixed, I never dreamed we would be told it could not be fixed other than the replacement of the hard drive. Some people would have just trashed it and bought a new one. We are not some people. We pray and follow God's lead. He directed us to purchase a new hard drive and then gave Doc the wisdom to install it. We were told they would install the programs back on it if we took it in to them. This morning I awoke to Doc telling me I have everything from before. Everything! My pictures, my recent files...EVERYTHING! How? We had a backup from 120 days ago but the backup we tried to do this week showed '0' megabytes. This is truly a miracle from God. He is so, so good! He knew I needed my laptop for school and He provided. He knows the desires of my heart and He provides. He knew I was physically beyond drained yet He gave me the strength for Children/Teen Activities Tuesday night. What a blessing to have fifteen loud, rambunctious children in our home soaking up Jesus by our words and actions! He knew I was exhausted at the end of the day Tuesday so He blessed me with a relaxing, fun day with Jimmy and Eli Wednesday. He blessed me these last few days with wisdom for my school work. He gave me openness to the way I have to do my sermon for school. I desire to do my best as I complete my school work and He encouraged me with a 100% for the first week of my Preaching class. His blessings continue to pour down upon me even in the midst of tough days. I honestly do not know how people get through life without having Him to depend upon. 

Growing up I saw my parents go through some tough stuff but never losing their faith. I remember times when I would lay in bed at night and pray asking God why they had to suffer so much. Multiple surgeries, diseases, my Daddy getting hit by a train, my sister being murdered, Daddy's gunshot wound, my brother having surgery while in the Army in many things happened in our lives even though we lived for the Lord. Just as it was then it is now in our lives. The Lord stretches our faith by taking us through tough days. Sometimes it is for us to realize His supernatural empowerment and sometimes it is for others to see Him work through us. The enemy is alive and active in this world and tries to trip us up but our God is bigger than anything the enemy puts before us. I am grateful for the way God used my growing up years to prepare me for life. I am grateful for the experiences He put before me that taught me to depend upon Him. Once again, I cannot imagine getting through life without Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of this week that have enabled me to go deeper in my faith. Thank You for the peace You continue to give during the times of trial. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with You. Enable me to walk in Your footsteps today in a different, new way. Be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day so people will see/hear You through me. Lord, I pray again for those who are dealing with physical issues. I pray for strength in not only their physical bodies but in their spiritual bodies. Lord, I pray it will be in Your will for a sooner opening for Paula's surgery. I pray for Joshua's surgery yesterday to be exactly what was needed. Be with both of these ones as they deal with pain. Be greater than the pain so they will see You through it. I also pray for Ben with his foot injury. I pray You will be greater than his pain and give him wisdom as he deals with it. Be with Will and Amanda as they are dealing with Will's recent trip to the hospital. I pray for wisdom for the doctors with his situation. Father, be with my friend Nada as she goes through her radiation treatments; Nancy as she awaits her surgery; and Doc as his hands continue to heal. May You be greater in lives so people will be empowered by You to stand up against the enemy when he comes knocking at their door. Thank You Jesus for being My Empowerment. Amen.

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