Monday, June 25, 2018

Daniel 6 - "Fear Is a Liar"

"Fear is a liar..." This song was the one I awoke to this morning. I started thinking about Daniel in the lion's den. I want to be like Daniel. Even after he found out what would happen to anyone who prayed to God, he did not stop. Daniel 6:10 reads, "Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before." Daniel did not fear the men who were trying to destroy him. He could have hid to pray or not prayed at all but because of his great faith in God he continued living a life for Him. I don't believe Daniel had fear when he was thrown into the lion's den because of his great faith. In my mind I picture Daniel treating the lions like pets. They say a dog will know when a person is afraid of them and act upon that fear. I wonder if the same can be said for lions. Daniel's faith saved his life. The lions in Daniel's story represent the different people and things the enemy tries to destroy us with today. We must have great faith to stand up against the enemy. If we don't, we will be 'ate alive' so to speak. He will destroy us, our family, our relationships, etc. The enemy does not like when we stand in our faith. His desire is to have us be in his camp. God's desire is to empower us through our faith to stand up against anything that comes our way. The last part of chapter six of Daniel has a proclamation from King Darius....

These verses remind us that people are watching us. They see how we live out our faith. The more they see us not giving into the enemy, the more they will ask how we can do so. That is an open door to sharing our faith. It also will be another way the enemy will try to stop us. He will try to put fear in us that we can't talk to people or they won't listen when we do. We must stand firm in our faith, trusting the Holy Spirit has gone before us, and knowing God will be with us in the process.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder this morning of Daniel's great faith. Thank You for loving me so greatly that You go before me and are with me. Thank You for cleansing me today so You can use me as Your servant. Thank You for the opportunity to serve yesterday. Father, I pray today will be a good first day back to work for Doc. I know he was dreading it but as I prayed with him this morning I pray You will be not only his physical strength but also his mental, emotional, and most of all spiritual strength. I pray for wisdom on what needs to happen so he does not have to work a second job. Father, if that is your will then I pray for him to accept it. I also pray for Rhonda today with Lilly's health issues, Paula as she knows tomorrow is the long awaited surgery day, Nancy as she awaits test results, the young mother with a mass on her brain, Nada as she continues with radiation, John as he is back in for more chemo, many friends who are traveling, and myself as I await a call from the doctor. Lord, most of all I pray for Your peace to come down upon a couple families who are in the midst of situations not of You. Thank You Jesus for being My Faith Builder. Amen.

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