Friday, June 29, 2018

Matthew 6:6; 7:7 - "When We Pray"

The words to "When People Pray" are powerful. They tell a story of what life could be like if everyone would pray. 

All the world starts changing when the church starts praying
Strongholds start to break
Oh, when we pray
Prison walls start shaking at the sound of praising
Nothing stays the same
Oh, when we pray

Lives would be changed and the world as we know it would no longer be. Disease and illness would be diminished. Broken relationships would be repaired. People would live in harmony. It is hard to comprehend why many believers do not pray. Is it because they do not believe God listens? Do they think their prayers will not be answered? Too many times people believe their prayers aren't answered when they are but just not in the way desired. God answers all prayers in the manner that is best for us. Sometimes that is 'no' or 'wait awhile' but He always answers. Sometimes we get discouraged when we don't feel like He hears us but we must never give up. The old-timers called it 'praying through' when you didn't stop praying until you were at peace with God. Unfortunately people do not 'have' the time for such praying in today's busy society. That is so sad. To think people put other things before God breaks my heart. I live in the belief that when one has a Matthew 6:6 prayer life they will live a Matthew 7:7 type of life. As one lives a life of prayer, they will hear the Lord's voice and walk in obedience. They will draw deeper in their faith in such a life. Life will not be peachy keen but as trials come they will have His peace. A life of prayer is a life of blessing. That does not mean all of their prayers will be answered 'yes' but it means all of their prayers will be answered and they will accept the answer with the right spirit.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song that reminds me of the importance of a strong prayer life. Thank You for not only hearing my prayers but for answering them. Father, cleanse me today so You can fill me up to overflowing with more of You. May You be my words, actions, and attitude so people will know You are flowing through me. I pray for Dan Bohi's ministry team who are meeting today. May they be blessed by Your presence and be open to the direction You have for them. Father, I pray for Paula and John who have been released from the hospital; Nada as she continues radiation; a couple talking of divorce; a young mother with multiple brain tumors; a family that needs reconciled; a pastor that has returned from being off; and a church that has been declared to be in crisis. I praise You for those who gave for the church van tires; for Little Richie's numbers being good; for Little JJ's continued healing from his burns; and for Doc being back to work. Lord, may You continue to be with each of these ones. Thank You Jesus for being The One I Pray To. Amen.

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