Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Romans 12:12 - "O Lord"

What a tough night physically. There was a time where all I could do was cry out in frustration to having such pain. Just when I thought it was lessening it kicked back in. I cried out to the Lord for relief and He gave me the words to a song Lauren Dangle sings called "O Lord"...

I will stand my ground where hope can be found!

Yes! I will stand my ground of living in His righteousness no matter what comes my way. I know hope is found in Jesus Christ. As I thought about Him being my Hope I thought about how there are so many people in this world who do not know Him as their Hope. They have no one to cry out to. Many people get hit with things such as physical pain with no where to turn for relief. My pain may not have gone away but it was soothed by Him. He gave me His strength to endure. I prayed He would take it away but evidently He has a purpose for it. It really does not make sense how the daytime is fine but then nighttime can be so painful. I did not do anything yesterday to cause such pain. 

Paul spoke to the Romans about how we are to be living sacrifices for the Lord. He told them in Romans 12 when we live sacrificially for the Lord it pleases Him. Paul also tells us how to live. Verses nine through eleven reads: "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Verse twelve has strong words that are sometimes hard to fulfill...

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being My Hope. Thank You for never leaving me. Thank You for being My Strength physically, mentally, emotionally and most of all spiritually. Thank You for knowing what I need even before I know. I praise You for the way You closed the door for me doing something for extra money and then You revealed we did not have to pay anymore taxes for 2017. Woo hoo! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. May I be the beacon of light You desire today. I pray for all who see/hear me to see/hear You today. I pray for others who need to remember Romans 12:12. I prayer for Wanda and her family as she draws nearer to leaving this earth. I also pray for Mr. Bradley's parents with his dental surgery this morning and Meghan's parents as she goes through more testing. Lord, give them Your strength during these tough days. I pray for Doc's doctor appointment to point us in the right direction for him to have relief. Thank You Jesus for being My Hope. Amen.

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