Sunday, April 15, 2018

Ephesians 4:32 - "Forgiveness"

Before I went to bed last night the Lord had me pray for those who were contemplating going to church this morning to make the decision to do so. He also had me pray for worship leaders to allow the Holy Spirit free reign and those in the pulpit to be bold in preaching the Gospel. During the night when I was up He had me pray for congregations who need to have a time of forgiveness. He had me pray for people in those congregations, including pastors and leaders, who had hurt people by their words and actions to confess and ask for forgiveness. He had me pray for the people in congregations partaking of communion to not do so without asking for a cleansing in their spirit along with making things right with others in the congregation. A lady who is suffering from mental issues was one He had me pray for specifically to have peace as she was hurting so bad as she goes in and out of comprehension. He also had me pray for a family in turmoil who need to reconcile not only with one another but most importantly with Him. There are some who are lying to themselves that need to get back on track with Him. Forgiveness is not something that comes easily. Nor is it easy to ask for from another. But it is something that blesses us in abundance when we realize the need for it and follow through on it. Matthew West's song "Forgiveness" tells of the blessings when we forgive another...

It flies in the face of all your pride
It moves away the mad inside
It's always angers own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge
Say you gotta right to hold a grudge
It's the whisper in your ear saying 'Set It Free'

Yes! "Set It Free'...when we forgive another, there is freedom in our soul. Even when someone does not ask for forgiveness we still can forgive. We do not have to wallow in the junk of people's words or actions but instead can have freedom in Christ. God had me prayed for some pastors who need to forgive some parishioners before they go into the pulpit this morning. The Holy Spirit cannot work in the way desired when there is 'junk' in between us and Him. That 'junk' will cause division between not only the people but also between them and God. He also had me pray a second time for pastors who need to ask for forgiveness themselves for their words, actions, and attitude. There are some who need to ask for forgiveness for not only what they have done but also what God asked them to do and they didn't. 

I love my Saturday nights of prayer for pastors and congregations. This one was a little different but little surprises me when it comes to what the Lord asks of me anymore. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for another Saturday night of prayer. I will continue to pray for these requests You laid on my heart. May my prayers be blessed in abundance. Cleanse me so You can fill me so I can be more effective in sharing Your love. Thank You for the contacts made last night at the Outreach. I pray the words spoken to people there will make a difference in their lives. I pray for open doors with the family I spoke with as I contact them to get together. Lord, may Your strength be Doc's strength today as he preaches. May the Holy Spirit have full reign throughout the service and may You be blessed. Thank You Jesus for being Our Freedom. Amen.

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