Friday, April 6, 2018

Psalm 91:3-8 - "Oh, My Soul"

Throughout the night the words to a song Casting Crowns sings called "Oh My Soul" was going through my mind. I prayed for those going through tough times who have not given their hearts totally over to the Lord. I prayed there will be people around them to do or say something that will enable them to surrender their entire being to Him. 

Oh, my soul
You are not alone
There's a place where fear has to face the God you know
One more day, He will make a way
Let Him show you how, you can lay this down

I went back to Psalm 91 again this morning. Verses three through eight are so encouraging. They tell us how it is when we are in relationship with Him. He protects us from all harm. These verses do not say we will never go through trials because it is in trials that our faith grows the most. When we go through tough times under the safety of His arms, we will not fall to it but instead will come through it stronger than ever. That is exciting to think about! But how does one get to the point of being able to go through the death of a spouse or child with such strength in their spirit? How does one go through watching a family member literally kill themselves through addiction? How does a person watch their spouse wither away from a wretched disease and not question God? It is OK to question God. Once again, questioning God draws us closer in relationship with Him. We just must never walk away from Him. Instead we must walk into His arms and allow Him to keep us safe.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for the encouragement of Psalm 91. Thank You for being the One to protect us from the 'junk' of this world. I pray for a cleansing in my spirit this morning so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You so all who see/hear me with see/hear You throughout this day. I pray for strength for Doc as he works today. I pray You will be our words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May You be glorified in all of what flows from us. Lord, be with the one diagnosed yesterday with Stage 1 breast cancer. Praise Your Holy Name nothing showed in the lymph nodes. I pray for her and the doctors to have wisdom on treatment. I praise You for protecting her from more serious disease. Thank You Jesus for being Our Protector. Amen.

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