Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Psalm 91:2 - "Your Love Defends Me"

This morning when I asked the Lord where to go in my Bible reading He once again pointed me to Psalm 91. Sometimes when He takes me to the same place repeatedly I think it is because I am missing something. In this situation I believe it is because He knows I need the encouragement of it with some things we are going through. This Psalm gives such hope in Him. Yesterday He stopped me at verse one, today it is verse two.

Three words stick out to me this morning as ponder upon this verse. Refuge, fortress and trust. Refuge is defined as "a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble." God protects me when the enemy comes knocking at my door. I must allow Him to give me such protection. If I give the enemy one little foothold, he will come in. I must stay in God's protection to have His strength against the enemy. A fortress is defined as "a place or source of refuge for support." Yes! He is where I desire to live. In His arms is where I will find the greatest support needed to fight the battles before me. I do not have to fight them in my own strength but instead know I have His strength. He encourages me to stand firm in His strength throughout everything that comes my way. Yesterday, He was my strength as the enemy came in a mighty way. He enabled me to knock the enemy down before he got a foothold. The Lord was my wisdom and for that I am grateful. This morning when I woke this situation was the first thing on my mind. That is exactly why He took me to Psalm 91 and stopped me at verse two. There is no need to fear nor is there a need to worry over this situation before us. When we trust in Him, His plan will be revealed. Woo hoo! I am so ready to see how that plays out. Trust. Not a big word but it takes a lot of a person to follow through on it. It is easy for a person to say they will trust but then start to doubt. Those doubts are nothing but open doors to the enemy. I refuse to give into him. I will trust in the Lord to see us through. He has never disappointed in the past and I know He will not start now. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You seems like such inadequate words on how I feel this morning regarding the way You spoke through this verse. I am so grateful to be in relationship with You. You are so awesome in the way You fill my spirit. I pray for a cleansing of anything that is between You and I so You can fill me with more of You. Oh Father how I long to walk the road of obedience with You daily. Lord, thank You for the way You gave me the strength last night with the children. They were so wound up but I love seeing them being little sponges to Your truth. I was so blessed at the end of the night when almost all of them prayed. Thank You for the way You are healing Doc's neck issues. May the healing continue. Thank You for the results that will come from the medical test I had yesterday and for my testing tomorrow. You are my Great Physician and for that I am so grateful. I pray for so many people who need a physical healing in their body but I especially pray for those who need a spiritual touch. I pray for those who are struggling in their spiritual lives to get into relationship where they hear Your voice and walk in obedience. Thank You for being My Refuge and My Fortress! Amen.

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