Friday, June 19, 2015

Psalm 10; Matthew 22:39 - "Jesus Friend of Sinners"

This picture was taken when we were in Israel during our visit of The Church of Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes. I remember that day so well. It was beautiful out with coolness to the air and the sun shining. This was one of the places I felt so much peace. I was heartbroken to find out yesterday someone had torched this beautiful place. In thinking of the history of this church, it is believed to be on the site where Jesus fed the 5000. He blessed people in a mighty way that day because He loves people so much. As I was thinking about Him this morning, I wondered how in the world could Jesus love people who did this?

Or how does He love people who go into a church and kill people? My heart breaks for the people in South Carolina with the killing of the nine during a church service. That young man had to have great hate in his heart to do such a thing. Once again, how can God love him? He does. It's like the saying, "God loves the sinner but not the sin." He loves each and every one of us. Taking it one step further, how can we say we love the people who torched the church in Israel or the young man who killed the nine in South Carolina? Jesus commands us to not only love Him in the Great Commandment but He follows itwith 'Love your neighbor as yourself' in Matthew 22:39. 

The young men who torched the church and the young man who committed the murders in the South Carolina need the Lord. They need to know His love. They need to have people who will say or do something to make a difference in their lives. 

This morning the Lord woke me up with, "Read Psalm 10" so I did. This particular Psalm is one that goes along with the thinking of why would the Lord allow things of such destruction to happen. Where was He when these tragedies were happening? Why didn't He do something to stop them? 

It doesn't do any good to verbally bash these people. It doesn't do any good to wish they would go to hell. Instead we need to pray for the Lord to put someone before them who will open their eyes to Him. Satan is the one in control of their lives, not God. Because of that we cannot understand how they could do as they did.

Matthew Henry writes about such people, "Men think it below them to be religious. They could not break all the laws of justice and goodness toward man, if they had not first shaken off all sense of religion." It is so sad that people live like this. Thinking about how much they need to know the love of Christ breaks my heart. I am reminded of a song Casting Crowns sings called, "Jesus, Friend of Sinners" this morning. We, as believers, need to do more in getting people to come to know the love of Christ.

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours

It isn't just these 'big' tragedies that breaks the Lord's heart. The ones who have shook their fist at Him and continue to sin each and every day breaks His heart. He is broken over the people who hurt people just because they are hurting. He is heart broken over people being lonely because their family and friends are too busy for them. He is heart broken over people going hungry because of their addiction. He is heart broken over children not knowing their biological parents. He is heart broken, plain and simple. Why doesn't He make life easier? Because we need to get to the end of ourselves and allow Him to be our God. The ultimate way for His heart to no longer be broken is when He comes back for us to spend eternity in heaven. Matthew Henry writes...

He will rescue the believer from every temptation, and break the arm of every wicked oppressor, and bruise Satan under our feet shortly. But in heaven alone will all sin and temptation be shut out, though in this life the believer has a foretaste of deliverance.

The key to this is that it will be the believer who spends eternity with Him. A believer. We must believe in Him in order to be in relationship with Him. That relationship is not just for our time on this earth but it is also for eternity. Praise His Holy Name!

Dear Jesus,
I am so grateful for Your love, mercy and grace. I love You so much, Lord. I praise Your Holy Name for the way You are my God. Lord, I pray for these young men who have done such awful things these last few days. I can't even begin to imagine the hatred they must have in their hearts. Lord, I pray someone will go before them to make a difference in their lives before it is too late. I pray they will find You. Lord, enable us to be more aware of people around us who suffer with hatred for You. Give us Your words and point us in the right direction to make a difference in their lives. Father, I pray for those hurting. I pray for those who need to know You are there for them. Lord, enable me to make a difference in ones I come in contract with. Fill me to overflowing with more of You so people will see You in me. Thank You for this day that is ahead. I pray for an abundance of strength in not only my physical body but also in my mental and emotional body. Lord, these days are so tough. I don't want to just get through them but the desire of my heart is for You to fill me with joy and to oozze out of me. Thank You Jesus for being My Hope. Amen.

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