Monday, May 25, 2015

Psalm 44 - "I Am Not Alone"

"Psalm it, Daughter."
"I will later, Lord. I don't feel like it right now."
"Now, Daughter."

Yes, this is the conversation I had this morning with the Lord. I had decided my normal routine of being in His Word would be exchanged this morning for turning on the TV. Life is anything but normal right now. Thankfully the Lord shook some sense into me! It is amazing how Psalm 44 was exactly what I needed to read. It shouldn't surprise me though because the Lord already knows what is happening in my life and He already knows the outcome. This Psalm is one that shows how God's power in the past is what we need to hold onto during tough times. It is one to bring relief in our present state. It reminds us that the enemy does not have power against us. I like the words of Matthew Henry:

The believer must have times of temptation, affliction, and discouragement; the church must have seasons of persecution. At such times the people of God will be ready to fear that he has cast them off, and that his name and truth will be dishonoured. But they should look above the instruments of their trouble, to God, well knowing that their worst enemies have no power against them, but what is permitted from above.
It is imperative that when going through tough times that we do not allow any sin to creep into our lives. If we do, it will give the enemy an open door. As Matthew Henry says, "In afflictions, we must not seek relief by any sinful compliance; but should continually meditate on the truth, purity, and knowledge of our heart-searching God." Henry continues to say, "While our troubles do not drive us from our duty to God, we should not suffer them to drive us from our comfort in God." I need to ponder on that one for a bit. 

Once again I am reminded that the Lord is greater than anything that comes my way. I am reminded that He is My Healer. I am reminded that He is in control of this chaos. I can't see the outcome but I do know who holds it. The Lord also reminded me this morning that I cannot allow the enemy any foothold. I cannot allow him to bring on the feelings of being lonely or discouraged. I cannot allow him to steal my joy. I must remember that "I Am Not Alone"...the Lord has not left me...He is here for me to encourage me. That is pretty obvious this morning as He took me to Psalm 44. I believe He is warning me. He sees how the enemy is trying hard to get me. The Lord knows I needed reminded of His faithfulness to me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You, thank You, thank You! You are so awesome! Lord, keep my faith strong during this time. Lead me to what You so desire of me. Bless me in abundance with Your healing touch. Father, I don't know that I will have contact with anyone today but if I do would You please fill me to overflowing with more of You and less of me so they will see You in me? Father, Your will be done in all that is going on... Thank You Jesus for being My Protector. Amen.

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