Friday, September 3, 2021

II Timothy 1:7 - "Same God"

Another first. Another day ahead that is so hard to relive in my mind. The first anniversary of hearing my honey say "I love you" for the last time is one I would not wish on anyone. I remember staying awake most of the night because I did not want to miss him needing something. I did not want to miss his last breath. I did not know when God was going to take him from this earth but I knew I needed/wanted to be with him when He did. We had talked many times about what the 'last days' would look like. One thing Doc knew for sure was he wanted to be home with me and Mordecei. He did not want to be in a hospital. I wasn't sure what that would look like but I promised to fulfill his wishes and I did. I am so grateful God was merciful in having those last days be a short time. Doc's suffering was great but he continued to be who God called him to be even during those days. I remember not too long before he left he sat out on his rollator in the street and talked with Gavin and Sissy. He loved being with people and especially loved our neighbors. When I found him on the floor and called Chris, he was right here. They are always ready to do whatever is needed. I am so blessed to be in this neighborhood. Yesterday when Chris did the yard I prayed for him to be blessed by his servant heart. One year ago last night when Hospice was called they came and within a couple hours had a hospital bed here for Doc. Chris, Will, Sandy, and the Hospice nurse moved everything around so Doc's bed would be right beside mine. Sandy stayed with me overnight so I wouldn't be alone. God took care of us then and continues to take care of me now. Yesterday's phone calls and texts from many telling me they are praying for me blessed me in abundance. Rickey checking on me throughout the day encouraged me to allow the memories to flow. This morning when I went to the refrigerator I was reminded by God of this:

Always Remember

You Are Braver Than You Think

Stronger Than You Seem And

Loved More Than You Know

Wow, God! He always knows what I need and provides. He knows I am a 'people person' and need surrounded. He knows I need to experience His love through others and makes sure to have people to love on me so greatly. He knows music is key to soothing my soul. This morning He gave me "Same God" that Hannah Kerr sings to remind me He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Praise His Holy Name!

You're the same God
You're with me in the middle of it all, God
You're catching every tear as it falls
I know You'll never change
Even when I'm feeling far away
You love me the same, God
You love me the same, God
You love me the same, God
You love me the same

You're a God of grace and empathy
You know how it feels to cry
'Cause You lived a human life
You're not afraid of anything
Even darkness is a light
There's no reason I should hide

A year ago I had nothing to fear. Today I have nothing to fear. God is in control. He empowers me through the Holy Spirit to make decisions as I walk in obedience to His will. Even when I may be falling apart emotionally I am still strong spiritually. Woo hoo! There is comfort in this knowledge!

Dear Jesus, Thank You for not only getting me through yesterday but giving me so many people who blessed me through the day with phone calls, texts, etc! I am one blessed woman! I especially thank You for Rickey who called and texted a zillion times throughout the day to encourage me. Thank You for him visiting my Momma and encouraging her! Lord, as I go throughout another first today may You be blessed through me. Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I am so grateful for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit which gives me exactly what I need to walk in obedience to Your will. I am grateful for the knowledge I am never alone even when I am physically alone. Father, there are so many lonely people in this world. I pray You will use me and others to encourage people especially those going through 'tough' days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Pete and Delores; Steve; Ofie; Scott; Norma; Sharon Sebolt; a friend with an uncle with cancer; Carrie and Chris; Gay and Doug; some young ladies with anxiety issues; many with COVID including a first time Momma who is close to her due date; Mike and Donna; a young man in the hospital for addiction and another young man in rehab for anger issues; Ms Savon and Mr John; Nada as she has surgery today; a Momma with two little girls and another one ready to come into this world; another Momma waiting on the results of her unborn child and another Momma struggling with being away from her family for work; Dan Bohi's grandson who was hurt last night; Rebecca's student and her family; Chrissy and her son as they continue to heal from surgeries; and so many more. Lord, may we all remember You are the "Same God" no matter what is happening in life. You never leave us but are always there to love us through the 'good' and the 'tough' days. Lord, empower me through this day. I don't want to just get through it but I desire You to be glorified through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. Thank You for being My Same God! Amen.


Linda said...

So enjoyed reading your testimony of Gids faithfulness 💕

My Strength said...

Thank you Linda! God is good!