Sunday, August 22, 2021

Romans 12:1-2 - "Be Alright"

I woke up to the words of "Be Alright" going through my mind and thought about all of the people I prayed for during the night. Some would be able to sing these words and believe them. Others are not in relationship with Him and have no idea what it means to trust God with their future. That saddens my heart.

In the darkness and the trials
He's faithful and He is true
The whole world's in His hands
Y todo va a estar bien
Everything will be alright
Everything will be alright

Everything will be alright

He's got the whole world in his hands
He's got the whole world in his hands
He's got the whole wide world in his hands

God is in control even when it seems like He is not. He knows the outcome of every situation. He gives us free will. Therefore, we can choose what we do. The desire of His heart is for us to choose Him and His ways. As I prayed throughout the night there were many people who are choosing the ways of the world instead of God. They are choosing to allow the enemy to cause havoc in their life because it is 'easier' than following God's ways. It is so sad to see this happening all around me. People are nasty with one another over things such as the vaccination because the enemy loves to cause division. People are choosing to spend their 'free' time in other ways besides with God to make others happy, keep up with their neighbors, etc. I do not know how long God will allow this to happen before there will be consequences for the actions. I am not judging but it seems like there are some God continues to challenge so they will realize what they need to do. I know God loves us all greatly and desires all to spend eternity with Him. The only way that can happen is to live for Him on this earth. Then, and only then, will we live with Him for eternity. Paul urges us to be 'living sacrifices' in Romans 12. That is the desire of my heart every day. I ask Him to cleanse me so He can fill me with more of Him so I can be who He desires me to be. It is only then I can sing and believe Everything will be alright.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for all the opportunities You gave me during the night to pray! Thank You for bringing many pastors, their families, and churches into my prayers! May we all live as You desire so more people will desire the same. Thank You for the time Rickey had with his family last night! What a blessing to hear him talk about it. Thank You for the fun time I had with meeting new friends at Cait and Alex's house yesterday! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Lord, I totally believe Everything will be alright. and I know I believe it because of the way I live with You. You never leave me but are always right here encouraging me. Thank You for that! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing so more people will see/hear You instead of me in the day ahead. May You speak so boldly through the sermon this morning so it will make an impact on people's lives. I pray for Your love and peace to be with many going through 'tough' days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Scott; Pete and Delores; Steve; Ofie and his family with Woody's death; Melanie; Chrissy and her son; Chris and Carrie; the family with the husband/father in a motorcycle accident; many with COVID; Little Ivy's family; Sharon Sebolt; a friend whose uncle is battling cancer; Michelle and her family with Amber's viewing today; my friend who needs protection from a co-worker; a young man dealing with addiction and another young man in rehab for anger issues; and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. I pray for safety for many traveling and for good times with family and friends. Thank You for Aaron mowing my Momma's yard yesterday! Lord, I pray You will continue to put people in her path to take care of such things. Thank You Jesus for being My Faithful Father! Amen.

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