Friday, August 13, 2021

Psalm 19 - "Mirror"

God took me to Psalm 19 this morning. What a rich Scripture of praise this is! David shared in the first six verses God's story in creation specifically in the skies. The sun comes up bringing a new day for us. We have the choice to live in God's will or not. I pray each morning for a cleansing in my soul so He can fill me with more of Himself. I know the only way to live is with Him in control. Then, and only then, will I live as He desires. At the end of the day I desire to think of God having a smile on His face for the way I chose to spend my day. Verses seven through fourteen are about how His Word comes alive for us as we absorb it. It is described in The Passion Translation as being perfect in every way...revives our souls...leads us to truth...are right..make us joyful..pure...challenge us. The second part of verse eight gives me the Holy Spirit goosebumps. The revelation-light of His Word makes my spirit shine radiant. I love this word picture! I want to shine brightly for Him as He is in me. I desire to be who He has called me to be and I know I can do that by staying in His Word. Verse ten reads in The Passion TranslationThe rarest treasures of life are found in his truth. That’s why God’s Word is prized like others prize the finest gold. Sweeter also than honey are his living words—sweet words dripping from the honeycomb! God has confirmed over and over again the importance of being in His Word through what He has given me to preach. This verse is another word picture I love about His Word. As we live out His Word in our life we will be blessed by Him. Psalm 19:14 is the goal we all need to live out in our lives. Some people live to please themselves and others live to please other people. We all need to live to please God as David speaks of in verse fourteen. This prayer should be in our mind and on our lips at all time. I am reminded of a song Rebecca St. James sings called "Mirror"...

May the words of my mouth please You
dear God
May the thoughts of my heart say to You
All that I desire is to be with you Forever
Lord I pray – I pray that You

Take me – make me
Beautiful to You
Create me so – I mirror You
Take me – make me
And image of You
Lord I want to mirror You

Yes! I desire to mirror Him in all I do. I desire to speak life to people just as He does and love on people just as He does. Woo hoo! I took this picture on a 'tough' day in our lives. Doc had not been diagnosed yet with the cancer but he was definitely dealing with the effects. We were on a cruise for a pastor's retreat. It was a different time because he was feeling so bad. Fast forward four months and boom the 'C' diagnosis. Fast forward sixteen months later and he took his last breath on this earth. We never know what tomorrow holds but we know who holds tomorrow when we live in the knowledge of His love. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for such an awesome day yesterday! I cherish my time with Marion. It saddens me to know she is once again not allowed to go out due to COVID but I am thankful I can still go in to see her. Meeting Anna, Michael, and the children for dinner was so special. Rickey was in his glory with his grand babies. Thank You Jesus for that time! Another praise of the day was receiving news from my friend with something found on her breast that there is NO cancer! I praise You for Angela's mother not having eye damage! Woo hoo! Thank You for the day ahead where I know You will provide opportunities for me to love with Your love! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray for Your peace over many going through 'tough' days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; a friend who had surgery for brain tumors yesterday; Melanie; Chrissy and her son Josh; a young man dealing with addiction; another young man in rehab for anger issues; Kathy with the loss of her brother; many dealing with COVID; Carrie and Chris; Rick McCartney; my friend awaiting an appointment for the battery in his implant that isn't functioning; Gay and Doug; and so many others. Thank You Jesus for being My Rock! Amen.

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