Friday, February 12, 2021

Psalm 27:13-14 - "There Was Jesus"

The Lord reminded me last night in my Lysa Terkeurst study of how He takes 'bad' things and uses them for good. He also reminded me His time is the best time. In Psalm 27:13-14 we are encouraged to wait for the Lord. That means we should not manipulate circumstances to get our way or our timing but instead need to allow God to work in and through them. It means we need to trust Him and be intentional in our waiting. Sometimes this is hard to do in our humanness but it is always the best way to live. Lysa said, "When it's the right time, God's time becomes quick time." As I watched the video last night, I thought about how true these words were with the sixteen plus months of Doc dealing with pancreatic cancer. We waited before the Lord for a healing. We prayed. We cried out to Him. We waited. When He had the stroke, it was only forty-eight hours later he took his last breath on this earth. God's time was definitely quick time and I am so grateful for His mercy. Another aspect Lysa talked about was God works in the meanwhile of our circumstances. The time we are waiting. The time we are experiencing 'tough' times in life and wondering how much longer it will be before God changes our circumstances. The time where we have the choice to go deeper in our faith or allow the enemy an open door. In the meanwhile...the time... My faith went deeper in the meanwhile with Doc's situation. I need to make the decision to allow God to take my faith deeper with the forgiveness situation I am working through. I need to allow Him to have complete control and accept His timing for the situation. I need to follow Joseph's example in Genesis. His obedience as he waited for thirteen years encourages me. Joseph learn many lessons in the meanwhile times over those thirteen years. His waiting seasons were not easy just as mine will not be. The only way I will know God's will is to walk in obedience to Him. I must be in relationship with Him where I not only hear His voice but I walk in obedience to it, especially in the meanwhile's of life. The words to Zach Williams song There Was Jesus are on my mind this morning.

In the waiting, in the searching
In the healing, in the hurting
Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
Every minute, every moment
Where I've been or where I'm going
Even when I didn't know it
Or couldn't see it
There was Jesus

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being in the meanwhile of every circumstance of life! Thank You for being with me no matter what! Thank You for Your time being 'quick' time and perfect! Thank You for cleansing me this morning so You can fill me! Thank You for going before me and being exactly Who I need You to be for the situations in my life! Lord, may You shine brightly through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way. May people see/hear You instead of me. May I glorify You through this day. Father, go before me and open doors to forgive as You desire. Open my heart up to Your will for this situation. Be greater than the hurts of my life. Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for pushing me to not only hit my step goal but to exceed it! You are so, so good! Thank You for my sister Linda having a better night! I pray blessings of strength over Elizabeth as she continues to adjust to her new position. Thank You for being My Jesus! Amen.

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