Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Jeremiah 17:7 - "Every Step of the Way"

God is so good! Nothing He does should amaze us because of His greatness but in our humanness it still does. My trip to Ohio was not planned until the last minute but it was full of blessings. Time with family and friends, being with my Momma on her 90th birthday, and having God orchestrate the trip in a mighty way was awesome. Tears flowed after a friend handed me money before coming home. I thought it was an 'odd' amount until my Momma and I tallied up the expenses of my trip. What a surprise to find the tally equaled the amount of cash that was handed to me. Wow, God! He just continues to provide for me. I am one blessed lady with provision of not only financially but mentally, emotionally, and most of all spiritually. He continues to provide me wisdom with decisions so that I make them in His will. He provides me with strength in situations I feel weak. On this trip He provided me with conformation in my spirit of a couple things. I cannot say it enough of just how good He is and how much He blesses me. Jeremiah 17 begins with the discussion of the sins of Judah in the area of idolatry. I do not ever want anything to become an idol to me. I do not ever want anything to come before God in my life. Matthew Henry writes: How should we depend on his mercy and grace, begging of God to search and prove us; not to suffer us to be deceived by our own hearts, but to create in us a clean and holy nature by his Spirit! Yes! This why I pray every morning for God to cleanse me. I desire to live in the Holy Spirit so I can walk in obedience to His will. I desire to not disappoint God but rather to make Him proud of me. 

Every step of the way
You've been You'll be
Working everything for the best of me
So I'll trust in who You are
Every step of the way
You've been You'll be
Fighting and writing Your love in my story
You've held my heart
Every step of the way

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the blessings You pour down upon me! Thank You for my friend who listened to You and blessed me with the financial blessing! Thank You for Rickey who picked me up and dropped me off at the airport in Ohio and for Joanne and Amy to take me and pick me up at Savannah! Lord, You provide for every detail of my life. I am one blessed lady! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You flow from my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way! I'm tired and will be resting today so I may not see anyone but hopefully You will put an opportunity before me to speak life into someone today. Lord, be with Joe as he recuperates from the ruptured appendix and Maddie as she awaits her biopsy tomorrow. I also pray for Darrell MacLearn's father with gout and going through radiation treatments. Lord, be very real to all of these ones and their families. Thank You for being My Every Step of the Way! Amen.

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